Chapter Two

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The absolutely amazing smell of Chinese food woke me up from my rest (definitely not a nap). I got up and ran to the kitchen where Pops were handing Dad and Papa food.

"Right on time Kiddo, come sit, you must be hungry" Papa chirped noticing me first.

"I'm starving," I say getting on my seat and starting to devour my share.

"Sometimes I wonder how such a little boy can eat so much food".

" I'm NOT little Daddy, and you know how fast my metabolism is". I swear he says this every time just to annoy me.

" I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I meant big boy". He answered showing his hand in surrender.

I just snort and keep eating.

During dinner, I keep giving myself a peep talk to just ask what has been in my head, so after everyone finishes, I take a big breath and just blurt out

"Can I invite Ned here this weekend?"

They all look at me surprised, and Pops open his mouth to reply ( I bet is to say No) but I don't let him.

"You know because I'm the one that always goes to his house, or we go to Aunt's May when I'm there and I don't have that much more excuses why he can't go, and I want to show him my room, and my legos and my stuff and I can't, and my grounding ends next Friday and, and I trust him with this he can keep a secret, he is keeping de Spider-man one really well and..."

"Pete, Bambi deep breath, in and out, calm down and we can talk." Dad helps me calm down

I just nod calming myself down until Papa's question

"Ned knows you are Spider-man? And you didn't think of telling us?"

"Uhhhhh, yeah he knows... I swear it wasn't on purpose" I defend myself before explaining how Ned found out. I looked at their faces and saw the confused and thoughtful expressions and the ground became very interesting.

The three men in the room look at each other having a silent conversation, they nod and Dad is the one to break the silence.

"Look Peter we are very happy that you have someone like Ned as our friend and we know that is very hard for you to hide who you are at school, so we are gonna say yes ok, you can tell Ned"

I was going to start thanking them but Daddy stopped me and continued talking

" BUT there are going to be some rules OK? One is that you need to ask one of us first, and two is that someone is going to pick both of you up at school besides the first time when I'll call his parents and ask them to bring him so we can talk and for them to sigh NDA's, I know you trust him but it's necessary."

" Thank you, thank you, thank you thank you". I'm so happy that I just agree with everything and jump to hug them.

"Ok Ok baby" Pops laughs "Let's go brush your teeth and go to sleep, it's already bedtime" Yes, I still have a bedtime, I know it's a bit childish but it's not the worst rule, and how bad I'm at waking up in the morning I just accept.

I brush my teeth do my business and go to bed where the three are waiting to tuck me in. I get under the blanket, and get my three forehead kisses and goodnights. That part of my day I never have to protest.

"Night Night," I say as they go out of my room and I fall asleep, thinking about how cool it's going to be having Ned here.


Friday finally arrives and I couldn't be more excited. Ned thought it was strange all the difference when he went to Aunt May but told his parents that Peter's guardian was going to call to talk to them and gave the number Peter passed to him. Ned's voice brought him back to the moment.

" I still don't understand what all of this is about, you are acting too excited, even for you"

"You are going to love it"

" But I went there before, what is so different this time?"

" The only thing I'm going to say is that it's a surprise and try to breathe" I answer laughing at the even more exasperated expression on his face.

His parents arrive and we get in the car. Pop thought it would be easier if I came with them and gave them the directions, that way they had a little more time and all the talk could happen inside. Ned's parents followed Peter's instructions but didn't look so sure of it. When they arrived at the private entrance of the Tower, they were completely gobsmacked and were going to question Peter, but Happy came and opened for them.

Ned looked at him and, man he wanted to take a picture and send it to Mj for her crisis sketchbook.


It was a very awkward elevator ride to the penthouse, Peter had never seen Ned quiet for that long before.

Finally, the elevator door opened and his dads were there waiting for them. If that wasn't intimidating he didn't know what could be.

" Hello Mr and Mrs Leeds, welcome to our home" Dad greeted them, with his home smile and shook their hands.

"And Ned it's very nice to finally have you here. We heard a lot about you"

" I'm uh, I'm thank you, sir, you are awesome, I'm mean I..." Ned stutters and I have to hold my laugh.

His parents came to his rescue, and I can say that I'm impressed by how fast they accepted the situation and acted completely normal.

" How about you go show your room to Ned as the adults talk" Papa say looking at me, I just nod and drag Ned to my room, as they begin the boring adult talk.


Just as I close my door Ned punches me in the arm and starts ranting

" How could you not tell me that your parents were The Iron Man, and Captain America And White Wolf!!! You are the son of the Avengers and I didn't know, Holy Shit Peter, do they know you are Spider-Man? And that I'm the guy in the chair and. How are they? Do they take you to school?? And how do you call them? Do they ground? Do..."

"Ned, Ned NED COME ON" I stop his bomb of question.

"I'm going to explain everything, okay, just one question of a time and come down a little OK. And don't course, Pop really don't like it and Friday is a snitch about some things"

" Ok ok ok ok I'm calm, I'm sorry"

" It's alright"

So I tried to explain everything I could and answer all those questions. We are only interrupted twice, once for Ned to sign the papers and say goodbye to his parents as he is staying overnight, and two is Pop calling us for dinner.

It was a very good day and Night. I went to say goodnight to them and thank them once again for letting me have my best friend in the secret.

And Dads were just glad to see me happy like that.

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