Chapter Eight

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Peter's POV


I woke up with Daddy yelling at his phone. It's not uncommon, he says dumb people need to get yelled at sometimes. As I tried to sit up to ask him who it was Papa appeared at my side.

"Hey baby, had a good nap?" He asks me as he sits down on the couch and puts me on his lap. I glare at him a little bit, but as I just woke up from my rest (I don't take naps) I enjoyed my cuddles. But he ruined the moment by bringing a bottle to my lips. I close them and refuse.

"Come on Pete it's already been two hours since you last ate" I don't want to have a bottle I'm not a baby, but I can't tell him that because I know the moment I open my mouth he's going to give me the bottle, I know Papa, I'm not stupid.

"Peter you need to eat. Don't you wanna heal faster? You won't if you don't have your calories" Wow new tactic, I see where this is going. I know I gave up on the last two, but I'm not going anymore. They always treated me younger than I was, I know that and I didn't really care I get lots go love, but now it's too much, I remember the last time they did this but I was eleven and not Spider-man at the time, so I enjoyed a lot. Pops said I would easily get sick since I was born prematurely, but since the spider bite it's very difficult for me to get sick, so these two weeks are going to be a pain in the ass. Hum, that's one thing too, I can't curse, yes a High schooler that can't curse, I don't think they're stupid to think I don't hear them cursing, and even worse ones at school, anything that makes them sleep at night.

I was brought out of my thoughts as I fell Papa rub the bottle at my lips, and I sealed them shut and glared at him more forcibly.

"Peter James take this bottle right now or I'm going to put you in time out then you are going to take your milk" He demands and glares back, his glare is way scarier than mine and I absolutely hate time out but I WON'T back down now.

"As you wish" He says getting us up, he puts the bottle down on the table, grabs a chair put in the corner of the living room and sits me there, then grabs a stool to elevate my leg. "You are going to stay here for 15 minutes and after that, you are going to take your bottle like the good boy you are." I just glare ( I don't pout, I don't I swear) at the wall and ignore him. I hear him sigh as he leaves me there. It's not fair, any of this is, I just wanted to patrol a bit, all of this wasn't supposed to happen, and they will never let go out again.


Tony's POV

I finish yelling at that secretary and go back to the live room to wake up Peter, and see him pouting in the corner and buckaroo on the sofa.

"What happened?" Ask him quietly and he just points at the full bottle on the table.

"Gave me his best glare, cute shit"

"Don't curse, he can hear you" I slap him in the arm. Just as I say that I hear a sniffle, I look at Peter and back at Bucky. He lifts up 3 fingers, I give him my begging look but he doesn't give. We try not to interfere with each other punishments, but I just want to go hug my baby, I hate to hear him crying, I know Buck doesn't like either but he's stronger them I am. He gets up and takes Peter who still keeps crying, but as he sees me he makes grabby hands, Buck puts him in my lap and Peter burry his face in my shoulder and cries even harder.

"Hey Bambi, what happened? Anything hurts?" I try to rub his back and calm him down. He just shakes his head no. " Can you tell me what got up so worked up?"

"No fair" He mumbles

"Can you explain to me?" I ask gently, he turns and looks at me and it breaks my heart to see him so sad.

"Everything that happened. I just wanted to be SpiderMan and now I got hurt cause I'm stupid and you will never let me go out again, and I'm being such a baby drinking the bottle, and I'm 15 I shouldn't do that and I can't even walk alone and it's not fair" at the last phrase he starts crying again. I just let him, giving reassuring words, rubbing his back and playing with his hair. After almost 30 minutes the sobs turn into sniffles.

"Are you felling better Bambi?" He just nods. I look at Bucky and the bottle.

"How about a compromise then?" I catch Pete's attention "You have your milk in a cup with a lid but you have to drink all of it, every time we give it to you. Can you work with that?"

" It's a sippy cup, I'm not Dumb Daddy, it's still babyish"

" I never said you were dumb sweetheart, I'm giving you an option, with your arm like that and your injuries, it's very easy for you to break a glass and we don't need you getting more injuries. We are giving your supplement in a bottle because it's easier and you never complained until two years ago, when you didn't want anymore. We also know that we are treating you younger but we got very scared, we got very close to losing you and I won't let that happen again. So yes we know you are not loving it but you can see it as a punishment, as we can't punish you as we would prefer. It also fits with the situation you are in."

It was a big speech but he needed it to understand how big this was. It was too close, I never want to see him like that again. I won't say I will never let him be Spiderman again, but it'll take some time for him to go alone. With a look at Bucky, I ask him for the bottle, Peter whines, he always says he is a big boy but eventually acts younger, maybe it's our fault but he doesn't miss anything.

" You will. Have this one in a bottle for all the trouble you gave Papa, the next one I'll put in the other cup"

He whines some more but with a hard look, he latches at the bottle. Soon his eyelids start to shut, and with a few more head scratches he is sleeping again.

" It has been a really hard day for him already and it's not even noon" Bucky said sadly as he looked at Peter sleeping.

" He is gonna take a lot of naps, I think it helps with the healing. It's just like when he was a baby, tears, tantrums and naps" I chuckle a little. "We got a meeting with Peter's school tomorrow, I wanted Pete to go with us but didn't want anyone to know how he actually is and also be seen with us. Tomorrow is teacher meeting day, so no kids and all teachers already know"

"Well, another hard day too, we already knew it was going to be a hard week actually"

I hum in agreement as I watch my precious baby sleep. We just stayed there relaxing for a bit. I suddenly felt warm and it took a few seconds to notice what happened.

" Bucky I think Peter just had an accident, do you think we can change him without him noticing?" I whisper

"I'll get Steve and bring the things here, it's better if we don't move him too much" He replies. My poor baby, he doesn't get a break. They came back and they went on one of their hardest missions as I got changed.

I came back to see Stevie rocking Peter and singing for him.

" He almost woke up when we were finishing but Steve put him right back to sleep, just like before. We put him in a Pull-up so be prepared for more crying" I watch Steve in his Pops mode. It's very cute even in these circumstances.

We better start preparing lunch, and for battle. 

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