Chapter Seven

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Bucky's POV

I woke up feeling one of the two trying to leave the bed. "Stop moving, it's too early," I mumbled.

"I need to start breakfast. Peter went to bed early, he will wake up soon" Stevie answered. So it's him I'm hugging.

"Doll, Peter can't eat, remember? We can give him formula, he is very sleepy in the morning. It'll be easier."

"I forgot" he sighed, relaxing in my arms. Just as we fell asleep we heard a scream and then sobs.

We both jumped from bed and ran to Peter's room. It's right beside ours, so Tony wakes up too and follows us.

As we get there, Peter is seated in his bed, sobbing his heart out. It smells like it used to when we changed him as baby. Oh, poor thing, on the second day already. He's too distressed to notice us. I go to him as Steve goes to his bathroom, and Tony goes back to our room. Did I really have to say it was going to be an easy morning?

"Come on, baby, let's get ready for a nice and warm bath" He just sobs. "It's ok, accidents happen."

I start stripping his soaked pajamas as Tony brings the plastic things for his casts. He helps me set everything the right way. He starts squirming as I take him to the bathroom. "Peter, stop that, you're going to fall."

"No, please, I do it alone, please," he cries.

"We already had this talk yesterday bug, we need to help you. You don't need to be ashamed of anything, and we've done this a lot of times already" I comfort him rubbing his back very lightly so I don't hurt him.

"Not a baby" He says so low I almost didn't hear.

"Well, you may not be a baby, but you will always be Papa's baby, and I'll always help you with anything you need, even when you think you don't need."

"Okay Papa" He sighs just like his Pops. I kiss his forehead get his boxers off and lower him into the bathtub. He looks dejected. I give him a washcloth to let him do something. "Just be very careful okay buba?" He nods and I give him some head scratches as I wash his hair, he loves them. I hear them finishing with Peter's bed. I get him out and wrap him in, I bet, the most fluffy towel in the world.

"Give me my baby Barnes. You already had him a long time" Tony extends his arms, and I oblige as I pass Peter. Tony may not have super strength, but he started working out a lot because of the Avenger, but mostly as Peter started to grow and still liked being carried. Peter's powers making him super light also helps too.

I hear Tony trying to lift Peter's mood as I go to the kitchen to see what Steve is doing.

"Hey, I'm doing some porridge for us, we can put some toppings, and some yoghurt and a bottle for Peter. It's not that many calories for us though."

"It's ok doll, we can eat our supplement bars if we are still hungry. It's going to be difficult for him to take the bottle after this morning."


Tony's POV

"Let's get you ready baby" I say as I lay him in his bed and start taking the plastics off.

"Not a baby" he grumbles.

"You are my baby" I counter.

"Papa said that too" he says indignantly.

"That's because we know best."

He just hums. I apply a little bit of lotion, avoiding his cuts. I give him a little massage and he relaxes.

"Are the sweats good for you?"

"Can I use yours please?" He asks, giving me his Bambi's eyes. God, I don't think he knows he could make me give him the world with those eyes. He has Steve's eye color, just a bit darker, and big Bambi eyes, brown hair a bit curly, that comes from me, and a mix of me and Mary in his facial features, my perfect baby.

"Of course, Bambi" I get him to our room and help him with the clothes. "Let's eat something" I carry him to the kitchen, and I sit with him still in my lap.

"Can I sit in the chair, please?"

"But you are so comfy right now." He sighs but relaxes, tucking his head under my chin.

"Here Pete, there is some yogurt for you," Steve says, giving me a bowl with yogurt and a spoon.

"I don't want plain yoghurt, it's boring. Can't I put something in it, please?" He whines.

"No, you can't. We talked about this, but if you drink all your milk, you don't need to have the yoghurt."

"The milk" he chooses. It's easier to give him some choices.

"Okay then. Here you go" I pass him the bottle Steve gave me.

"Can't I drink on a glass? Come on Daddy, please." I can see he is still tired, it has not been even a full hour since he's awake, the accident really took him out.

"How about we go to the couch, and I give you the Starkpad with a formula I have been working on? That way you can have your breakfast and help Daddy."


I get up and go to the couch, grabbing the Starkpad on the way. I get him comfy and give him the bottle, he drinks slowly as he reads the information and makes notes using the tip of his fingers from his casted hand. It's so cute seeing him so concentrated. I turn when I see something in my line of vision. Bucky brings me some porridge and a large coffee mug.

"Thanks, buckaroo, you're the best." He and Steve give me a kiss and go for their morning run.

I eat my breakfast and answer some e-mails on my phone. We took this week off so we could focus on Peter. Pepper is already the one that keeps everything running, but I can do something. I see Peter nodding off, still sucking on the empty bottle but still working on the task I gave him. I turn back to my phone and send an email to Midtown. It's time we have a talk with Peter's principal.

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