Chapter Nine

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Steve's POV

I lay down Peter on his bed and put some pillows around him so he doesn't fall. I go to the kitchen to help them make lunch. We make some sandwiches for ourselves since Peter is asleep and I also make some plain rice and broth so Peter has some options when he wakes up. We take advantage of the quiet time we have and rest a little on the sofa, and watch a movie it's not appropriate for Peter. We are cuddling together almost sleeping when we hear a cry.

" I will go you guys can stay here" Tony and Bucky stay there and I go see our Bambi. Tony loves giving everyone nicknames, and Peter has a lot of them but Bambi is definitely the best one. As I get into his room my heart clenched, Peter is sobbing and I know why.

" Come on Baby let's get changed, it's alright, everyone has accidents" I try to calm him down a little before changing him. I get the supplies and try to be the fastest I can, but he is not really helping.

" Pete if you let me change you this is going to be faster" I scold him a little bit, but try to be gentle, but I think he is getting his strength back.

" No, no, please I can do it"

"Pete I'm not gonna repeat myself. You only have one working hand, and if you don't do this properly you can get a rash, now, Let me change you" I say more firmly and he finally lets go but puts a pillow on his face and keeps crying. I do a quick job and put his sweats back, he looks even smaller with Tony's clothes, I lift him up on my hip and take him to the live room, as we get there he calms down to sniffles and Star Wars is playing, I put him on Buckys lap.

" Do you want rice or broth Pete?"

" Rice" He says already fixed on the screen, I get him a bowl of rice and he eats without complaining about the lack of taste. Hum, I guess we can put this more times if it gets him that calm. The rest of the day goes on and thankfully very calm as well. He accepts his milk before bed and sleeps soundly. We go to bed too and I kiss my husbands goodnight.


Tony's POV

I woke up with the alarm clock disturbing my peaceful sleep.

"Come on Tones we need to get ready for the meeting" Bucky whispered, his voice deeper than usual. I love my boys, I don't know how I got that lucky. I give him a quick pec on the lips and get up before I get any ideas. I take a quick shower and put on a good suit, I'm ready to intimidate those little shit. The two of them already left too, I Find Steve in the kitchen making us some breakfast, and as he sees me he gives me a big cup of coffee, he is an angel. We kiss a little bit, but he stops, I go complain but Bucky enter the room with Peter.

" Good morning Bambi" I ruffle his hair a bit, he looks so cute like that, he is using Bucky's sweater today, he looks at me and practically flung himself at me, luckily Bucky and I caught him.

"Easy baby easy" he just puts his head under my chin and relaxes all his body weight, I can't keep the smile off my face, he is doing a lot of things that remember when he was just a small bean.

"You are very tired hun?" Stevie says smiling as well. Bucky puts a bottle in my line vision, I look at him questionably, I told Peter I would give him the sippy cup. "Just ask him" I know what he's doing.

"Pete you are really sleepy kiddo do you want to have a bottle and then you can sleep on the way to Midtown" I put the teat close to his mouth and he latched on it like you never gave him food. "I think it's better if we make another one to take, but put it in a sippy cup and take an empty bottle" We waited for Peter to finish his milk and as soon as I noticed I was burping him, I almost stopped but he did burp, I think that's a victory. The three of us finish our breakfast, we already being proficient in doing things holding Peter, even at his size right now, Stevie takes Peter and we take the elevator to the garage where Happy is already waiting for us.

"Where to boss?"

" Midtown Happy, let's go"

Bucky gets in the front seat and Stevie arranges Peter between us, it's truly marvellous how he is still asleep. 15 minutes before arriving We start waking him up, it gets a few tries but he opens his eyes, still very clingy.

" Bambi we got here, do you want to go on the chair or in Papa's or Pop's lap?"

"I wanna yours" he wines and puts his arms up to me. How can I say no to that face? I sigh and take him. "You are sure baby? No students are going to be here but your teacher will" he just nods almost asleep again, I bounce him so he stays awake, he will need to talk too. We get to the secretary and don't even have to say why we are here because de principal is waiting for us.

"Please come in" He is truly nervous, he knows we are right.

" So as you can see, Principal Monita..."

"Morita" Bucky interrupted me

"Yeah same thing, Peter suffered a great lot, even if I can say, not all of it's this school's fault a very big part is. We won't sue if something is done about it, and something fair. Peter already was a target by being younger than his classmates and expected, not that we accept, some teasing, but the bullying, no cut that, the aggression he suffered here has no words for it. We know we had to keep the image of a orphan in a scholarship but this wasn't ground to let that little shit..." "Language" "... get away with the crimes he committed."

"We can't do anything with our proof, and it's possible if we need to make an official request, that Mr Parker's identity may need to be revealed"

" We discussed this and if need it, it will be done, this was to protect him and look where he is. About the proof, as all of this is official I request we see the camera footage, now, the four of us and them after with the bully and his parents, and if needed the police after that"

"We can do that but Mr. Parker needs to give a statement as he never said anything about this"

Peter finally turns to him and then repeats everything he told us, I'm very proud of him.

"That's humm, I'm going to as-ask for the footage" Mr. Mojito stutter getting out of the room.

"We are very proud of you Peter, really proud baby"

"Thanku" he says going back to my shoulder, we have a sweet baby with us today, good luck

"His medication tones" Bucky remembers. " kiddo can you take the meds for me?" He asks Pete as he puts the syringes full of too-sweet liquid, and he just accepts, wow, he is really calm today.

Mr. Batista comes back with everything and the vice principal I don't really know the name, we watch every day Peter said there was something, and we watch a lot of things, it's was hard to just see that and stay seated. Still fuming inside and noticing them both are too we go back home and enjoy the rest of the day with the most wonderful kid in the world, just watching his favourite movies "Star Wars" and cuddling still we all sleep on the couch, in a big pup pile, being careful with Peter of course. 

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