Part 10

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Hey, Lhong? Do you want me to drop you off at your place or do you want to ride with me? 

I think you and your man should be left alone, so you can drop me off.

Well, Lhong thank you for having faith in me but I'm not really sure how well this is going to work out. 

Well, Tharn have faith in it, I promise you. If he doesn't want, you. he's crazy as shit. 

I appreciate it, Lhong. 

*Lhong kept gazing at Tharn all the to Lhong's home* \

Deep down Lhong wanted Tharn all to himself. The thought Lhong losing Tharn really would destroy him deep down so. Lhong had to do something to stop Tharn from running away from him. 

Lhong was brainstorming ideas to win him for himself and leave type in the dirt where he belonged. 

As, Tharn arrived at Lhong's house. Lhong didn't get out he kept on gazing at Tharn. But Tharn was too busy looking at his phone at pictures of his Type. That he wanted to get back. 

Hey, Lhong? are you going to get out? 

It was dead silence~ He looked over and saw that Lhong was sleeping. 

Fuck!! are you serious, right. I'm the middle of a crisis right now. 

~Tharn caressed his arms around his body, and gently carried  Lhong to his room~

Before, Tharn could leave Lhong grabbed him, and now Tharn was on top of Lhong. 

Tharn was not having the fact he was on top of a guy he barely knew that was forced.  Tharn tried to get up. But he was stuck. 

Let me go, Lhong.

No, Tharn. 

Not until he become mine. 

What!! we already got married. It was even a real married it forced on me. I don't like you at all. I like type.

Why do you like type, Tharn?

What's so special about him? That I don't have?

Type, he's caring, loving, funny, smart, sweet, cute, handsome he's just so many things. It's not that you don't have those traits it's just I don't know you, and I don't have the sensation of safeness when I'm around you, but I do when I'm with Type. 

Okay, Lhong!! Now can you let me go? 

NO, Tharn!! 

Why the FUCK NOT!!
 why can't you realize, Lhong I just want to be happy.

I know you want to be happy, but be happy with me, said Lhong.

No, your not the one I want.

Well, how about I fuck you until you say yes you want me? No!!, screamed, Tharn.

I don't want too, said, Lhong.

Can you let me go please, said, Tharn

*Lhong finally let go of Tharn* Before Tharn knew it, his lips were on Lhong* 

Tharn started rubbing his mouth and he ran to the restroom and scrubbed his lips. 

Tharn!! AM I that disgusting. 

No, I just don't like you and your crazy lunatic.! 


Oh by the way, don't wish on Type and you lasting because you know when I kissed you. 

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