Emotional Negotiations Over the top of ones Head
(Example Number Four)
"coming to know the unknown"
// Consideration number fifteen
First perspective:
the immediate moment you identify with a desire...
...you have already made an attachment.
it grabs us in our deepest state of awareness...
...it secures the lords treasure.
if you get them, and they get you, you can see...
...it is not about getting what we think we need.
its about how we wanted to be free...
if you think you know you feel that you see
let it be.
once you're told you'll know and then the story may unfold
bypassing abstractions without procedures to make exact extractions one would be left on vulnerably crossed enclosures merging troubled roads.... a debt one may regret when cashing in ones internally estimated value of interpersonal gold.
"this is all about the value of ones soul"
Second perspective:
the cost of turning others into objects reflects on all our promises...
...they will be tested and reflected on with carefully considered values that will be assessed only as frequently and we may allow ourselves to be...seek open cross road connections between worlds that do agree on something they can all see as a value they may want to set free... in harmony... with unity.
what is the method of your yearnings?
what is the message from which you draw your learnings?
to feel this feeling of peace in being
to know this knowledge of experience in wisdom
to see this unseen potential of careful considerations in plans
to love the unloved essential values of respect for understanding something that others may not.
the deeply attuned attitude of oneness
unglued by the lack of gratitude for the wetness waiting to become us... based on the myths and models structuring the beauty of ones extensions towards trust.
what patterns are we recognizing?
what actions are we tending to?
what horror stories are we living through?"crudely screwed up views on what we all really do"
Third perspective:
the relevancy insists upon itself...
...this infers that truly truthful core values will always be...relevant.
and that is why we were told to remain
our needs create these objectives
the objectives live little lives of their own
and that is why the shackles are an actual object
that becomes a part of the technique as a whole
it can be observed right away in the constructor method as soon as the program is being initialized...
...imagine if you had an "ad blocker" program that prevented hijacker objectives from attaching itself to your sequences related to
it would be like every time some one was attempting to advertise a misdirection from the central point of our collective reflection they would be challenged for standing in the way of something that was collectively desired by something bigger than themselves.
Advertising companies would have a much harder time trying to promote their overrated marketing values.
of course this is all just based on recognizing the patterns one has become dependent on...
...realizing that there was a certain kind of rigidity that does not handle alternative constructor methods very well because one might be stuck in a narrow public classification with a lack of allowance for travel outside of ones nurtured scope of judgment...missing the expected allowances of ones natural scope of perception...there are mechanics at work and there are games in play.
and so we should be aware
theres a lot of monsters out there
and it would be a lot fun if we
could all slay them together.
how long must we study?...very long.
what if we work harder?... very very long.
what if we work every hour every day super hard?... very very very long.
How can we study and work in ways that do not lead to the entrapment of these material conflicts?... by disciplining the expenditures of every subtle measure.
this is the life of the one who hunts for treasure
and this is the story of how we meet...
...the one who gives for pleasure.
"givers taking on forever"
[are you able to establish a fourth perspective with a set of offers which can relate to the other offers brought to the table by these three creative perspectives discussing three self-reflected values on three particular points of interest?]
// Consideration number sixteen
if you are in a prison-system-state but you think you are free...
Homes For Poems Welcoming the Fall
PoetryA series of considerations including poetic references to life experiences discussing musings of the autumn weather and how it lives within the social and emotional construct of our most natural sense of humanity and our most honest pursuit of justi...