Book Three-7

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Keigo ended up cuddling with Yuko as they watched a movie, just to cheer the young red haired female up. As it got late out and Keigo knew that Yuko was asleep, he took her to her room and tucked her in before he left the house to find the two males only to see that they were sleeping inside of an abandon bus stop.

"Wow, you two really are stupid...Come on get up." Keigo said kicking both of their feet

Both of them woke up and went to attack him but he was too quick and moved out of the way. "Is that anyway to treat someone who wants to help you idiots out?" He said with his hands up

"How can we trust you? You know where Yuko lives!" Shoto growled angered

"He took the words right out of my mouth, where the fuck does she live?" Dabi asked

Keigo sighed out and shook his head. "I promised her I would never let that address out, but I will be helping the two of you up onto your feet. Come with me." He said as he kept his wings behind him as he had his hands in his pockets

Both males walked behind him and chose to talk to him about what he was doing. "So, where is Yuko?" Shoto asked

"After having a complete melt down on me because of you two being complete assholes-She's asleep safely in her new room. I have to say, I didn't expect her to have a mental break down on me because you two are so fucking inconsiderate of her." Keigo said shaking his head

Both males were quiet as they looked at one another before Dabi spoke up. "How the fuck are we inconsiderate of her?"

Keigo stopped at a corner and turned to look at the two todoroki males with a dry laugh. "Where the hell to start, let's get you two fed first before anything is said about that question."

Keigo then turned back around and took them to a restaurant that was open twenty four seven. Once the two of them were eating Keigo leaned against the table as he looked at the two of them.

"About Dabi's question-let's start with the youngest since he was the first to be with her." Keigo said seriously

Shoto stopped eating, he didn't think anything he did was wrong. So he was curious to know what he did that was wrong.

"Off the bat you didn't even accept being around Yuko-you caused her so much drama and bull shit. It took Midoriya and I to get you to use your fucking head. And even after that you didn't realize that she has had trust issues with everyone around her. I'm pretty sure she has made mention to you about her past. About what she's gone through growing up and how much her family lacked to give her attention and affection yes?"

Shoto slowly nodded his head. "Yeah she had."

"Then that should have been grounds to take things slow with her you dope. But you didn't, she had to go to extremes because you were giving her vibes that you still didn't give a damn about her properly, that you were just with her because you had to for your damn legal papers. Even with that you fucking raped her! From what I got from her many times-which that is one way to make a woman hate you. She's made it rather clear while she's been talking with me these last three days that she hates how you've treated her and wants nothing to do with you because of your lack of care for her mental, emotional and physical state. You're supposed to support your significant other not make them feel like utter shit. Sure she lied to keep your ass from dealing with bull shit once more, but she doesn't love you. She never has since you've made her distrust you." Keigo said seriously

Shoto looked down sadly. "I..I had no idea she felt that way about me."

"Well, she isn't one to start conflicts it's why she did that damn scavenger hunt for the two of you. It was her way to see if you two knew her and knew the place she called home. Obviously you two don't know shit about this place or her." Keigo stated before he looked at Dabi. "Now you...I'm honestly surprised she even gave your burnt ass a chance, knowing just how badly your brother fucked up. But she told me a lot about what went wrong and the tests she gave you that you epically failed."

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