Book Two-7

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While the two of them talked, Keigo went to the next room over to talk to her siblings who were busy in the kitchen. "Why's Toya in such a foul mood?" Tanya asked confused

"Shoto managed to kidnap Yuko from him while they were on their way back home. From what I've gathered Shoto didn't like the whole idea of being placed into a plush so he chose to do something about it by blowing the place up and reverting everyone back to their normal state. I had to leave out to get Yuko since she had called me to get her." Keigo stated with his hands in his pockets

Tanya looked at him sadly. "W-Why wouldn't she ask me or one of the others to get her?"

"Trust. The lot of you still treat her like you had when she lived with you when you guys were kids. NONE of you thought to remember her birthday is today. None of you even said 'happy birthday' to her. None of you have fed her since she started to live with you guys which you all agreed upon. She trusts me, she knows that I give a damn about her. Just like her, I don't know if you guys even give a damn about her." Keigo said seriously with his arms crossed

The three of them looked to one another before Chisaki spoke up from where he was sitting. "Seems like I'm not the only one who thinks how they've been treating that girl is bull shit. Dabi and you think the same?"

"Yes, Dabi is her significant other. He's more than a bit possessive of her and with every reason to do so." Keigo said seriously

"I'm starting to think the reason I was given the woman I had wasn't just because of her similarities to me." Chisaki said as he got up

Yuko then came into the room. "Oh good you're in here. Chisaki can we talk in the next room over please?"

"Of course Yuko."

When the two left the room the three siblings stopped what they were doing and realized that she didn't even acknowledge them. "Are we seriously getting the cold shoulder from her right now?" Natsuo asked confused

"I don't know what's going on with her. But maybe, I wouldn't be surprised if she did something like that to prove a point to the three of you. Especially you Tanya, I thought you two were on better terms or was I seeing shit?" Keigo said seriously

Tanya frowned. "It's hard to remember she's around when she closes herself into her room like she does."

Keigo just stared at her with an unamused look on his face. "Seriously? you're really going to make that your excuse. Do I have to remind you the past of your family already Tanya?"

Tanya, Fuyuki and Nala all looked at him confused. "What do you mean by that?" Nala asked for the three of them

Keigo sighed out and rubbed between his eyes. "I can't believe I'm actually explaining this to three adults right now." He muttered to himself before he looked at the trio. "Yuko explained to me that she was always kept away from the three of you, that is correct yes?"

All three of them nodded their heads yes.

"She was always locked away and excluded from things. You guys never once had a single meal with her am I correct?" Keigo asked

Tanya's eyes widen. "Oh my god..." She said as she covered her mouth "We're treating her like mother and father."

"Not entirely, but she was testing the three of you yesterday to see if you three remembered that you three agreed to have her around. None of you chose to get her for meals. She starved yesterday because of the inconsideration the three of you gave her. Today she turns Twenty three, you three better make it up to her or I fucking swear you three will regret it. I won't tell either one of you what I'll do but let's say for the sake of me talking to the three of won't be pretty."

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