Part Two

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     What is this place? Did I get knocked out? Am I dreaming? Why are all of these people dressed so weird? They look straight out of the 50's. Eyes wide, I watch as small groups of girls walk by, casting glances down towards me and giggling frantically before hurrying off, dresses flouncing as they step. The sun beats down on the brick street and I feel burning in my hands from the heat. I don't understand what is going on... what was in that espresso?!  Jumping up, I turn back yanking open the door.

     "Listen  here you psychotic little m-" the coffee shop from before is no where to be seen. Rather, it is filled with men staring at me as they sit in chair either waiting to be shaved or waiting for their hair cuts. "Uh... so sorry." I mutter as I stumble back out onto the street, very aware of the eyes staring at me through the window as I quickly hurry past it.

     What is going on? Where am I? Seriously, where am I? My mind races as I look around dizzily at the town. My heart hammers in my chest  and I feel myself growing nauseous from all the twirling and twisting as I look around. The faces of people begin to blur, the corners of my vision blacken and a ringing sings in my ears. I collapse onto a bench as my chest heaves and drops in frantic breaths. A panic attack, I am having a flipping panic attack! Okay, breathe, just breathe. In and out I try to slow my heart rate. In and out the ringing slowly stops. In and out my head slowly stops pounding.

     With newly cleared vision, I slowly raise my head and really look at the town around me. Sure enough, this place was completely foreign to me. The faces did not look familiar, the cars look like the type of cars my Dad would show me at car shows. The girls wear matching brightly colored ankle pants and oversized shirts, while others wear dresses with large buttons and sleeves that stop right before their elbows. Their hair is styled into large beehives atop their heads, or short bobs. My extensive movie watching over the past few weeks pops out two movies that had similar designs, and the light bulb goes off. This is the freaking 60's. I feel my heart begin to race again and once again try to start my breathing exercises.

     I look around some more, and off in the far corner, a familiar painted, Coca Cola sign is above a store that I often passed by when shopping with Megan at the boutiques down town. The drug store! Collecting my nerves, I slowly stand up and make my way across the street to the drug store. I follow the line of people, crossing over the street when they do, and then make my way to the store.

     "Joan!" I hear a shout behind me, but continue walking forward. "Joan!" Another shout and I look around to see if anyone is looking for their name being called, but no one seems phased. "JOAN!" From behind me, a hand grabs my arm and I turn almost letting out a scream. When he sees my face, the man immediately lets me go. "Oh geez Miss! I'm so sorry! I mistook you for someone else!" He says, his eyes just was scared as my own. His cheeks blush and he pushes back his slick hair. "I'm really sorry."

     "Dude, don't grab people." I say and he squints his eyes.

     "I beg your pardon? My name is not Dude, it's Dan!" He says and tilts his head to me. "Nice to meet you."

     "Would have been nicer if you didn't grab me." I say and he hangs his head in apology. "See ya." With that, I continue walking towards the drug store. Once inside, I immediately go to a paper rack and look at the newspaper. August 17th, 1961.

     "Holy cannoli," I mumble as I flip through the paper. "Oh no... oh no...." I mumble and a large man at the counter clears his throat.

     "Hey, you are gonna have to pay for that!" He barks and I groan as read the date over and over again. "Miss!"

     "It is really 1961?" I ask and he raises an eyebrow and points to the price of the newspaper.

     "Miss, you're seriously going to have to pay for that, especially since you've got blood on it!"

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