VIII| Preparations

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"Em! Are you almost done!? We still need to go meet Clemont at Prism Tower!"

"Sorry, Babe! I'm coming!"

Alain stood by the door to his and Emma's two-story townhouse. He put on his longcoat, making sure it was on correctly. The Champion them grabbed his Rotom-phone and wallet from where they were on the counter, placing them in his coat pockets.

He grabbed his house keys as he heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

Emma came around the corner at a swift pace, putting on her black crop jacket as she did so. She rushed over to the table, grabbing her own Rotom-phone, wallet, and keys. She placed her Rotom-phone in her back pocket on her white pants and her wallet and keys in a pouch located on her left leg.

She walked over to Alain, adjusting her hair.

"Sorry. The sink in the master bathroom took the least opportune moment to go ahead and clog. I was trying to fix it."

"We can fix it tonight."

"Yeah. We need to go talk to Clemont." Emma responded, walking towards the door. "It's already been a week since getting Dad's letter and talking to Wikstrom, Drasna, and Siebold. We need to get the Gym Leaders up to speed before we go any farther with preparations."

"Yeah. After we get the Gym Leaders up to speed, then we have to talk to high-ranking officials and go through a lot of red tape—which I am not looking forward to."

"One of the responsibilities of being Champion is attending meetings. It comes with the territory, Alain."

"I know." Alain locked the door behind him and Emma as they walked out of their townhouse and walked down the stairs. "It still doesn't make it any easier, though."

"Yeah." Emma turned her head to the left, seeing the modest sign of Café Soleil lightly swinging back and forth. "After meeting with Clemont, we should treat Mairin and your dad to lunch at Café Soleil. None of us have gone there in a while."

"We can do that." Alain nodded his head, grabbing Emma's right hand and holding it in his own. He started to walk towards Prism Tower, gently bringing Emma along with him. "Come on."

"Right." Emma jogged forward for a second in order to match Alain's pace.

They walked down the streets of Lumiose, hands intertwined.

Both Alain and Emma greeted people who recognized them, which, due to their status in Kalos, was many of the people that they came across.

It was a common occurrence for Alain and Emma to walk around the streets of Lumiose, so there was not much paparazzi following them around and taking photos.

'The paparazzi around us really has died down over the past four years. I'm glad for it, to be honest...' Alain thought to himself as Prism Tower came into view. 'When I first became Champion—no, right after the Kalos Crisis—Emma and I couldn't go anywhere without getting bombarded by paparazzi. It seems that the more time we spend in high-ranking positions, the more the public and paparazzi get used to our presence... And, with the public used to us—it leads to less paparazzi.'

Alain took himself out of his thoughts as Prism Tower came into view. He let Emma's hand go, letting her go in front of him as they went through the sliding doors.

After going through a brief hallway and going through another sliding door, Alain and Emma emerged at the location of the battlefield. However, as Alain looked around, Clemont was nowhere in sight.

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