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here are some important things to know first (if you don't know them already)

How do you know which you are?

At birth, the doctors will announce the sex of the baby (male or female), then once you start puberty usually between 14-16 you find out your second gender (Alpha or Omega)

What are the roles?


The Alphas are the more aggressive, stronger and larger ones. They dominant ones in bed as they are the males or females pumped full of testosterone. All Alphas have larger penises and are the ones to fight over an Omega. They can mark their mates and it will be permanent

The females are slightly different as their ovaries produce sperm and eggs. When she gets aroused a retractable penis is where her clitoris would be. The female Alphas breasts grow along with their mates so she is able to help feed the newborn child.


Omegas are the softer, usually smaller and more gentle of the two roles. All Omegas go through heats and the female Omegas use their systems as normal.

The males are different as there testicals also produce eggs and sperm. They have the smaller penises usually but can have bigger ones.

Omegas are able to get pregnant outside of a heat but it is less of a chance and they can not mark their mates unless the mates body allows it.

What is knotting?

Knotting is where an Alpha's penis enlarges at the base to lock inside the Omega, giving them a better chance at breeding and producing offspring. And can also symbolizes the completion of the mark. Once the knot is inside of the mate it can't be removed untile fully gone down or it can cause pain to both sides.

what is a marking?

A mark is where you bite into the scent gland, an alpha and fated mates can mark their mate at any time however if an Omegas if not fated they have to do it during the knotting process.

Though the Omega has to be fated to the alpha for it to be permanent or the alpha could reject it at anytime making it dissolve.

Bitting into the wrist is known as a temporary mark and can be replaced by others.

Marking is a way to show that an omega (or alpha) is taken and is to ward off any other alpha or omega.

what is a scent gland?

Scent glands are found in the wrist and the junction of the shoulder and neck. Everyone's scent is different.

Usually Alphas have a strong scent, while Omega have more sweet scents. However this isn't always the case.

Scents are also a way to express strong emotions and a fun fact is omega's scents changes slightly when pregnant giving it a more of a milky scent. Another fun fact is any type of twins can have the same or very different scents despite their second gender.

Mates show affection by rubbing their scent glands together and it is seen as a sexual act for a mate to lick their mates scent gland on the neck.

What is a heat?

A heat happens about once a month and lasts about a week. During their heat where omegas are most fertile, the males reproductive parts (Asshole) losses up slightly and they produce more slick to help ease most or all the pain.

If they have a mate that Alpha will never leave their side unless they need to get their Omega food or water. As they are mainly haveing sex and then resting keeping a watchful eye over their Omega, listen and caring for them.

If an Omega has no mate, then it could be dangerous to even leave the house unless they are using scent blockers and suppressants. So if they don't have a mate they'll usually lock themselves away and use toys to get through the sexual part of it.

During these heats, the hormones in an Omega go all crazy and a strong sweet scent is released which the Alphas smell causing them to chase after the Omega if they want them. If there is already an Alpha with that Omega then others will either fight them or just back off other.

scent blockers/suppressants

suppressant: are pills to stop the heats from overtaking the omega and strong enough one can delay a heat.

Scent blockers: are patches which go over the necks scent gland preventing their scent from spreading ever where.

What is slick?

slick which is a natural lube made by only the males. It is a semi-translucent fluid that has a sweet smell when they are in heat. it tastes sweet to their mates.

What is a rut?

A rut is an Alpha version of a heat however they can be more aggressive and most definitely more dominant during this time. A rut can be brought on by an omegas heat but not always.

While in a rut an alpha is highly aroused and will normally seek out an unclaimed omega to mate with but if they have a fated mate they will go after them.

A rut usually happens once a month and last about three days. If they are a fated it will end around the same time as their fated omegas.

What is mating?

It is basically where you and your mate make love (or have sex). It is the time where a permanent mark is placed on the neck the neck gland.

What are fated mates?

Fated mates are extremely rare and hardly ever happen. Begin a fated mate means you are destined no matter what and are drawen to each other instantly without knowing it.

What is a nest?

A nest is usually a place where an Omega can be comfortable, whether if they are in heat or just having a bad day.

It can be anywhere they feel most comfortable including closets, Sofas, a small room and more time then not a bed. It will usually be filled with soft things that smell most like his/her mate if they have one, or their pack/family.

It makes them feel comfortable and proteced at all times, even if they feel they are about to murder someone.

If they are pregnant the closer they get to their delivery date, they will most likely spend more and more time in their nest with their Alpha.

how does pregnancy work?

Pregnancy is about the same as normals for female Omegas, but for the male Omegas it flips their world.

Male omegas breasts becoming slightly bigger but not enough to really notice but their mate and them self will notice the slight difference.

Omegas will most likely be happy about having a child unless other circumstances see at hand.

Their Alpha will become more and more protective of not just their Omega but also the small child growing inside of the Omega.

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