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Warnings: swearing

⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙

Now loading Chapter 7. . .

Sam pov:

I ran my hand through his hair as I watched the video we made over. I only removed my hand when I needed to but it always ran right back through the brunette locks that had blue at the tips. I yawned so I checked the time noticing it was already five in the afternoon. How had hours gone by without me realising "Sam, Colby" Elton yelled making me and Colby jump.

I growled and so did Colby "You're safe," we said at the same time then laughed. Colby brought my marked wrist to his nose humming to himself. "Proud alpha?" I questioned in a teasing way and he licked it "Yeah, you're worth being proud to have marked" I felt my face warm at the statement. "Boys" Elton called again then there was a knock. I got up and opened the door to Aaron "Umm we've ordered pizza" I nodded at him.

Colby jumped up and we left the room together "Have a fun tumble in the hay?" Corey joked and Colby smirked "Yeah" he said fixing his hair "Right Sam?" Colby said looking at me "Oh yeah, real good" I joked back and eyed the disheveled alpha. "Oh is your heat about to start Sam?" Elton asked and Colby growled at him "Colby" he warned and I growled back "Sam" Corey said gently "Yes I am" I answered the other dominant alpha "Okay, to let everyone know about heat schedules is best for safety and to have help" Elton said.

I hummed feeling a bit wired about it "What about Ruts?" Colby asked and Elton nodded "Those too" I nodded and Colby grabbed a coke for me and him "Well my rut starts soon." Colby said shrugging. "Oh cool" Elton said "If everyone can please track your ruts" Corey nodded "Why?" Jake asked "Because as dominant alphas we can become aggressive to an alpha in a rut" I sighed knowing Colby would be bad.

Elton looked at Colby "Which means blocking your doors when you go into rut" I nodded knowing I'd have to help him again. Colby shrugged "That's fine as long as I have everything I need I'm cool" Elton nodded. I grabbed a slice of Pizza and then sat on the couch enjoying the music Corey had put on. It was a nice relaxing to the point I let myself be open to commands but none came and I purred to myself.

That was until pheromones drifted to my nose, it had a silent command to it. Though the command seemed light as if I could ignore it. However I didn't want to so I got up and made my way to Colby and rested my forehead between his shoulder blades. I could smell the happiness coming off the alpha "Thanks Corey" Colby said and I pulled him to the sofa and then pushed him down. I then sat down on top of him nuzzling his neck.

»»------------Next day------------►

I woke up feeling a bit tingly and wanted to be around Colby. I heard a knock at my door and growled when Corey opened it. "Sam?" he asked stepping forward and I growled again. "Corey stop" Colby said suddenly in front of the other alpha. Seeing only Colby in my room with him holding Corey out made me feel calm. "You need to be careful entering an omegas' nest." Colby said and I crawled out of bed.

Corey looked worried "Exspecaily a dominant omega" Colby added and Corey raised his brows "But it's Sam" he said and Colby hummed "Yes, I know but Sam is still an omega" he said and I wrapped my arm around his middle "He's clearly not okay" Corey said pointing at me "He could be in preheat" I whined at the thought "It's natural Sam" Colby said to me "Corey please, if you knock but don't get a come in then wait for him" I purr breathing in Colby.

Corey sighed and stepped back "What about you?" he asked Colby and I glared "Colby is allowed in his nest" I started and Colby chuckled ruffling my hair "Due to the marks Sam sees me as his alpha" Colby said and I began rubbing my neck on his shoulder "Oh, I'm sorry Sam" Corey said and I nodded "It's okay Corey" he gave me a soft look then left leaving me and Colby. The alpha turned and pressed a kiss to my forehead "Rest Omega" It was a command and I growled.

He sighed "You'll need the rest for when in heat" he reasoned and I huffed "I'll edit the rest of the video and post it" he added and I huffed again "And I'll stay in the bed with you in case you need something." I nodded smiling up at him and surprised he understood my huffing. I crawled back in bed and put the TV on watching Colby leave the room. He came back a few minutes later with some water bottles, sandwiches and my Laptop.

I smiled making room for him in my bed. He laid next to me and put the laptop on his lap, I laid on his shoulder. "Thank you Colby" I said as I began eating "No problem Sam" he said taking a bite of his own sandwich. I watched as the character from HeartStopper, Nick smiled at Charlie. I glanced at Colby seeing the light from the computer shine in his eyes. I threw my arm over his chest and put one of my legs between his.

He looked at me and I squeezed him "Comfortable?" I nodded yawning "Warm alpha" I purred rubbing my cheek on him. "Colby?" he hummed "You smell like prerut" he hummed nodding "I know" I huffed at him "Don't worry, my need to protect you outweighs my need to mate you" I smiled at this.

»»------------Next day------------►

I woke up feeling really hot and sweaty, I sat up feeling around me. No alpha was present making me whine out. I heard growling and knocking at my door. It made me shiver as Elton's scent filled the room, "Elton stop" I heard Corey's voice "Fuck off" It was Colby. His voice soaked in alpha. I gasped jumping up and running to the door.

I threw it open jumping into Colby's chest "Woah" Jake said as my scent filtered out of my room "Cozy" Colby chuffed rubbing his nose in my hair "Smells like Christmas" he said and Jake hummed "Your normal smell but so much stronger like cinnamon cookies" I hummed at this looking in Colby's eyes.

He rubbed his nose on mine "Get to the nest omega" I nodded at his command knowing it was to keep me safe. I pried myself away from him going back in my room. I heard a bit of commotion but ignored it as I pulled my clothes off except for my boxers then placed them around my bed. Without realising I had made my bed the centrepiece to the nest or the main nesting area.

Colby entered as I finished and put a scent broker along the edges of my door then pulled off his black jumper. He handed it to me and I gasped hugging him which made me moan. His cool skin against my hot skin felt so good "Thank you" I said wrapping it around my pillow. Colby chuffed watching me "Joggers" I growled and he slipped out of them. I was a bit disappointed he was wearing boxers.

I grabbed the joggers from his hands and added them along the bottom of the bed. I patted next to me on the bed and Colby got in being careful of my work. I instantly laid on top of him when he laid down. He then began rubbing my back and I relaxed back down "Alpha" I hummed out closing my eyes "Safe Alpha" I purred knowing deep down that Colby was my safe place. "Always for my omega" Colby said kissing my head.

I looked up at him "Thank you for spending my heat with me" Colby nodded smiling "You spent all my ruts with me so...plus" he said then blushed "Plus?" I asked noticing he didn't finish "Plus my rut has also started. It seems we line up" I giggled at this "That's good" I said nuzzling under the alpha's chin. "Can we watch something?" I asked trying to distract myself from the growing firmness under my own. "Of course we can Sam" I purred as he ran his nails down my skin.

It was gentle and wouldn't create marks but it felt pleasurable "What are we putting on omega?" I hummed at the question "Sausage party?" I asked and the alpha hummed grabbing my remote putting it on "Thank you" I purred and he nodded as the movie began. About 10 minutes later I began to feel myself getting wet "Mmmm, smells nice" Colby grumbled. His voice did not help as it made me even wetter "Shhsh it's okay" he said to me.

Chapter 7 ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ!

Thank you for reading, I hope you all enjoyed this.

Let me know if you want a specific scene in this. (If I like it and it fits I'll add it)

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