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Warnings: swearing

⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙

Now loading Chapter 3 . . .

Sam pov:

I inhaled shaking my head then began knocking as soon as I heard footsteps I stopped. That's when the shaking in my body began and my legs grew weak "Colby" I called weakly hearing myself growing distant as I began going into a panic attack. That's when the door flew open and there stood Colby "Sam..." he gasped as I fell into his chest crying.

We slid to the floor and he just held me "Shh shh" he soothed releasing a calming scent. I inhaled burying my nose in his neck "I have you" he whispered and I removed myself remembering the door. We moved back and shut the door but stayed on the floor "Sam, oh sweetheart" Colby said caressing my cheek where a bruise was probably forming.

He then growled, it was so primal and I'd never heard it before. "Who did this?" he asked in a deep voice tracing my neck most likely over the shape of fingers. I tugged on the selves of my jumper to try hiding the bite. That didn't work as Colby just pulled up my left sleeve growling even darker at the mark "I'm killing him" Colby's voice dripped with alpha and I heard running.

It was Colby's mum "Oh Sam, hi honey" I waved sniffling still not moving from Colby's chest. "Away" Colby growled at her "he's gone into a feral state" his mum said to his dad who suddenly appeared. In his hand was a needle and I knew what it was, I moved in front of Colby growling "Sam?" his mum questioned and I growled again "Okay, honey put the needle down" she said to her husband to which he did. I purred in pride as Colby rubbed his face in my neck "Is he an alpha or Omega?" I heard his dad ask "He could be a...." I didn't get the end of what was said.

Colby suddenly lifted my wrist huffing at the mark "At least it'll go" he grumbled "Can we go to your room?" I asked and he nodded. I was then quickly scooped up and carried to his bedroom. I was then placed down gently on the bed "Safe" Colby mumbled laying his head on my chest. I hummed rubbing his back "Safe, in my den" he added. I closed my eyes finally feeling safe, a safe I've not felt before. I don't know when but I ended up falling to sleep.

I was awoken by Colby moving "Hmm, nooo" I whined and pulled the warm body back against me "Hey, it's okay I'm going to grab food and water" I huffed letting him go snuggling into the covers and pillows "Good omega" he chuffed out. I would never admit how that sentence made me feel, how it made me wet. I felt my wrist sting again and the feelings of wanting to remove the gland rushed back.

As soon as I thought this Colby had run back into the room. He growled and I growled back "What's wrong?" he asked putting down the Dr.peppers. I held my wrist out to him as he got back in bed. "It's making me feel gross" I whined and Colby kissed the mark "I can fix that" he said licking the indents "But you have to consent" I teared up at the gentle licks "Please" I said and Colby nodded.

My eyes rolled back as I felt teeth bite over the mark. I felt my wrist pulsate with pleasure as an alpha mark sunk into my body. When Colby pulled away his mark completely demolished my dad's "Perfect" Colby said licking it again and then sniffing it nodding. "Mine" he growled against my skin "Mine" I growled back and he smirked full of pride "Strong omega" I nodded at him and he rubbed his nose against mine "Boys we..." I growled at his mum "Okay Sam." she said putting her hands up.

I smiled as Colby chuffed at me "Good omega protecting den" I rubbed our foreheads together. A few minutes later we pulled away "Umm" Colby began "Yeah" I said. We both realised our omega and alpha, or primal side had come out. "So..." I nodded at Colby "It's okay. I'm okay with it" I said looking at the mark Colby gave me "I prefer it over my dad's or anyone's we know" he smiled at me and then rubbed his wrist.

He then held it out "Want to match?" I gasped then teared up nodding. I carefully began prepping the area by licking the gland, once it was ready I bit down. When I did the feeling of a link being created filled my body and I bit harder. I pulled away after a few seconds and then licked the mark "Perfect" Colby chuffed sniffing his wrist. I did the same and Colby's scent filled my nose making me purr.

Lesa, Colby's mom entered the room again "Sam?" I hummed feeling sleepy again "We have got you an appointment to register your second gender fully" I nodded at the woman "Okay thank you" she smiled nodding "Oh and I've made you boys some dinner" me and Colby both nodded. Once Lesa left the room Colby pulled me closer "We leave after that appointment, I promise" I began crying again at the fact were still leaving.

Colby wiped my eyes and then pulled me up "Time for food" I smiled as I was pulled out of the room to the table. I was watched by his brother as we ate "It sucks how male omegas are treated" he said and I rubbed over my sore neck "Yeah" I chuckled. Lesa smiled at me "Feel free to stay" I nodded at her "Me and Sam are moving away" Colby announced "What?" his mum asked and the alpha nodded smiling at me.

After that everything was silent and no one spoke until we were packing the car "Appointments in an hour" Lesa said and I nodded as I watched Colby pack his parents' car "Be safe okay" I nodded at the alpha woman. "Let me know what you find out okay" I nodded as Colby grabbed my bag from the sofa "I'll let your siblings know you're safe" I nodded again "I'll also send yours and Colby's results to your new address" I thanked her with a silent hug.

I hopped in the car and began crying as I watched Colby hug his parents. I grabbed my bag from the back seat and pulled out my fluffy blanket snuggling into it. "Ready?" Colby asked shutting the door and I nodded. "Want to say goodbye to Corey and Jake?" I shook my head knowing I wasn't able to "Okay. Let's get you to that appointment" I nodded at the alpha.

Once we made it to the doctor I went in alone. I had to give blood so I had to be early, the blood filled a few pots and then was taken away. I waited a while until I was called "Hello Samual" the doctor said "We are very surprised by your blood" I gulped "We can tell you've recently had a temporary mark" I nodded and the female alpha doctor smiled "Your blood reveals you're special" I looked at her confused "You are a dominant omega" I blinked at her.

She hummed "This means you have a fated mate" I gasped "That fated mate is a dominant alpha" I had a pit in my stomach "What... I thought..." she nodded "Fated mates are rare but do happen" I nodded and she frowned "But most never find out because of the stigma about omegas" I hummed "What is a dominant omega?" she nodded at me "Back in the day they were the mates to the lead alpha which would usually be dominant" I nodded at her.

She glanced at the wall "Because of this they can't be controlled by any alpha." I gasped realizing why I was able to fight my dad's command "The only alpha they can be controlled by is their fated mate but only if their mind allows it" I smiled knowing that I still had power as an omega "You may notice you have alpha tendency like growling or aggression" I nodded and she hummed "That was breed into Dominate omegas so they could care for their pact when the lead alpha was on a hunt" I hummed.

The alpha then handed me a bit of paper "You most likely know your fated mate as your levels are so perfect." I nodded at her "The more distance between you both the more you'll act like an alpha." I nodded and she smiled "Your heat will start within a few days." I nodded and she handed me a box "These are patches and birth control pills in case" I thanked her then left the building. I explained it all to Colby and he gave me a goofy smile.

I raised an eyebrow "I get to keep my same old Sam" I laughed at this and he put the music on as we began our drive to LA. It was a nice drive with sing-alongs and toilet breaks while so we could also eat. I watched as the sun set highlighting Colby's face and my heart fluttered. He looked beautiful and so alpha. I yawned snuggling my blanket "We should find somewhere to pull over." Colby nodded at me.

Chapter 3 ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ!

Thank you for reading, I hope you all enjoyed this.

Let me know if you want a specific scene in this. (If I like it and it fits I'll add it)

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