Aretha the Fire Princess

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Lets start with the fire Princess ,Aretha was a beautiful princess but she was a little stubbon girl her personality  had a flame of potential but she was too stubborn in her kingdom they had a traditional it was called flame dancing where the girls got big dresses and dance they would use there flame powers and it just looked like a big bright star and the princess loved watching them doing it but she was a bit too young too do it . The princess had a flame bird named Phoenix he was a very brave bird Aretha loved him. Aretha was a very lonely princess she had no friends except Phoenix but he couldnt talk her father and her mother told her she could not have freinds because when they die she would have to rule the kingdom and she could not be having a hot coca party while she needs to rule the kingdom so she can learn to be responsible and independent and so she hated her life and mysterious when she was 9 she explored the kingdom when her parents were giving a spech to the kingdom about the bakery opening she went to a mysterious room saying in big letters :KEEP OUT ! But she was too stubborn to keep out so she went in and found a empty room with a torch holder she said this is trash how come a room saying keep out and there is only a torch holder but she dusted of some of the dust and there weird writing on it she heard yelling that her parents are coming so she ran to her room and she threw it too the corner and her parent came in and looked at her and left she was relieved-author speaking-thank you for reading this is a story im making up please tell me what im doing wrong or not please tell me what should the next fariys name or element or both you want me to do  please tell me thank you

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