Zanna the dark fairie

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Next there's zanna weeell she is a diffrent story ,when she was nine she left her kingdom why you ask why well her kingdom were full of thief's there were no such thing as of even one fourth of light inside her or her kingdom and everyone was so high skilled at being theif's so when she tried people were way better and zanna was a bad sport so when she tried she just gave up and her parents had no hope for her literally ,and so she packed and was never to be seen, by the kingdom though.

Zanna pet
Well all faries have Pets even dark faries ,Zenna has two pets one is willow is light fariy she is tiny when i say light i mean she like a flashlight and theres ,wisp she is tiny dark fairy And both of those tiny fariys are her friends

Strange item

One day zenna was waking to nowhere where she fell in a hole in felt like forever then she blacked out she was holding a dragon sword ,it was silver and it had a terrifying dragon eye and it was red and it eye was open zenna said"I love this sword and how did I get here who cares I can scare people with it and she saw also hieroglyphics and she put her hand and the eye started glowing and it said "YOU HAVE LIGHT INSIDE BUT HOLDING IT BACK IS MAKING YOU DARK AND SEE THE CONSCIENCES AT THE END OF THE DAY and she saw a vision of her alone in the cave and when she opened her eyes and saw that she couldnt get out and she saw numbers and the numbers were 4235680042721116 she didnt know what that even mean's.

Author_there will be a announcement later about the story.

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