Nixie the water fairy

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Next lets see the water fairy, her kingdom was known for beauty but the one important thing is you had to represent whats the beauty on the inside.

Most of you think when you said the word fairy, you think powers or wings well really you had too earn them if fairys just got there wings and powers maybe we might get them you never know ?

In my last story you saw Aretha had a pet Phoenix,well Nixie has a pet to well a human life pet it was a water sprite it was a he ,his name was aquatic sure sounds like a boy name but some girl humans have boy name's to and so Nixie's little sprite has a bit of a temper when I say a bit I mean a big one but he is always there for Nixie .

Nixie loves to watch at night time when the water fairy's that have water powers when the put drops of water on spiders web she loves the dazzling shiny water on the web because the moon reflection on the web looks beautiful.

One of nixie's favorite hobby is adventuring going out the smell of fresh water is so relaxing she would help the town people you would consider it chours and its very odd but she loved doing it she wasn't considering her self a dive or royal .

Nixie loved her life she treid getting her wings and her powers but nothing YET ,but nixie went exploring outside the kingdom and she found a rusty lantern she found weird writing it looked ancient she picked it up and it started glowing and the lantern said, IF YOU TAKE IES FROM FAIRIES WHAT DOES THAT SPELL . Nixie was frightened she said ,bucket cant talk after that her life got weird she decided not to tell her parents or aquatic so she went back to the kingdom and her parents ask why do you have a lantern she said ,just getting water in a very weird voice the king and queen were quit confused but let her go and aquatic was asleep and she hid it and tried to figure out the riddle.

Author speaking_hope you enjoy reading this and this is dream catcher_o401 sorry if I got your name wrong but that was her fariy idea but put you fairy name ir element please and tell me what im doing wrong or right and tell me if you want me to continue this series hope you enjoy

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