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Heyya, would you look at that, another update!! I am on a roll here! Hope you all enjoy this! Remember comment and vote because I need some sort of encouragement.. Thankyou!!!

"Do you know how it felt like? Do you know how I felt? Watching my friend get hurt? Hearing her pleas and her screams. She begged him, brother, she begged him," the Fish Queen said, "but he would not stop. Many times I was tempted to get up and help her, to stop him even if it meant that I would die too.

"But I didn't," she whispered. "I couldn't. Not because I was scared, no far from it, but because when I was on the verge of rushing to her aid, she looked at me, amidst all that pain, she still managed to look at me and shake her head imperceptibly, as if she could read my mind."

The Fish Queen looked at the King with her cold eyes and continued, "And so I sat there and listened to her cries. I shut my eyes and tried to block out the terrible sounds by covering my ears but I still heard her. And while I sat there, praying that my friend would survive the ordeal, I kept hearing that fish woman's voice in my head, 'What you need is power, and I can give it to you.' I was helpless that day brother. I was weak. May be, if I had my sword, I would have stood a chance, but against Adotey with only my bare hands? I. Needed. Power."

"And so you finally succumbed to the witch?" the King asked.

The Fish Queen ignored his question. "When Adotey... finished, I hurried to my friend's side. Needless to say, she was bloody and bruised and most of her bones were broken. She was losing consciousness but she still managed to whisper three words to me."

She looked at Adotey's brother and said, "Make. Them. Pay." ***

Them. Realization dawned on the King as he followed his sister's gaze. Them, not him.

"No," the King argued, "No sister. He is just a boy."

The Fish Queen twitched her lips into a smile, "A demon nonetheless."

She turned to Adotey's brother and said, "Approach me boy. It is time to face retribution." Adotey's brother strained against an invisible force as he tried- in vain- to refuse the Fish Queen's command. The King watched in horror as the boy took a step towards the Fish-Queen.

"No!" The King shouted, "I order you to stop boy! I am your King!"

Adotey's brother kept moving forward, "I-I can't, my lord. I... am trying but I can't." Those two sentences cost him, for he lost his concentration and stumbled a few steps forward. The King was horrified. This was all his fault. He had brought Adotey's brother on this mission in order to put the killer off balance. The King had thought that if the Night Killer saw the brother of the man he had killed, he - or in this case she- would have been flustered or so overcome with guilt, that he would have made fatal mistakes and gotten himself captured. The King, however, did not see this coming. He had not wanted to get the boy killed! Adotey's brother's grunts could be heard throughout the cave. The King had to stall!

"You did not answer my question, sister!" the King bellowed. The Fish Queen rose an eyebrow, urging her brother to continue.

"How did you become... the Fish-Queen?" Adotey's brother stopped moving. The King sighed inwardly. It worked. He still had time to save the boy. The Fish-Queen turned her attention towards King.

"When you arrested Adotey, he was supposed to be castrated at the dawn of the next morning. Is that not what the law dictates, that any man who takes a noble woman by force be castrated at the dawn of the day after he has been arrested?"

"Yes, but-," the King started.

"You let him escape. He escaped and killed my friend... because of you."

Maame Water: The Legend Of The Fish QueenWhere stories live. Discover now