Part 2

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Same night 

Jeon Mansion 

When kook went inside his house first things he saw his family members waiting for him on the living room couch 

His First brother yoongi sleeping by placing his head on his second brother namjoon's lap who is doing something on his phone and his three sister-in-laws silently reading one book he sign 

Jk: Joon hyung 

When he call his brother everyone look at him and suga also woke up from his sleep 

Joon: Kook are you okk baby 

Suga: did you eat something baby..? 

Jk: Hyunggggg i am not a babyy i am adult now and about my food i know you both are here staying hungry for me like every day so like every day i didn't eat anything from outside i love eating with you 

Suga/joon: whatever you are still our lil baby bro

Jk: Ok ok now let's goo i am very hungry but first i need to freshen up

With that kook went to his room and two brothers looking at their wives they are still there

Joon: JIN are you still here here my brother is hungry and you guys are resting there go set his food 

Jin: S-sorry please wait 2 mnt i bring the food 

Suga: you two useless girls jimin and hobi you both need my special treatment for staying here go help her 

Hobi/Jimin: w-we are sorry 

Hobi: Jimin you sit here i will help jin noona 

Suga: Why should she sit here haa, 

Hobi:a- acctully she isn't well and tired also 

Suga: Tried huu what are you doing all days haa only cooking cleaning it's just 30 mnt wrok and you guys are tired what a funny jock 

Joon: yes all days only gossip what can day do

Suga: look here jimin i don't know what  excuses you are making for not to work i don't care just do your work can't you don't this little bit even you are getting fatter day by day do some work useless 

Jimin is now crying silently she knows it's not new for her it's everyday routine but when she heard this type of hrash word from his love one she can't bare it

Everyday she can't believe it that she ran away from her family for whom, before they married the person and after their marriage the person wasn't the same it's like the person she met before wasn't there that was her dream only 

Jimin in her deep thoughts but she jolt up when cold water slashes on her face she look in front of her pandra saw her husband was the one who throw the cold water on her face 

Suga: are you done with your day dreaming..? If you are done with moving your lazy fatty ass you ugly creature god knows what i saw in you that time when i marry you such a waste of time and life 

Now Jimin crying badly but didn't make any noise because if she make any noise then suga must be beat him 

Hobi: P-please sugasii leave her for today her Health wasn't ok from some days i beg you please- 


Suga slap hobi and jimin fleanch hobi look at suga with teary eyes 


 on the dining table  when three brothers sat on the table kook was quite totally he is looking little nervous his brothers notice it but they didn't think about it much because it's his daily habit they thought kook quite because he didn't like talking with his sister- in- laws 

Joon: Umm kook 

Jk: hmm 

Joon: tomorrow uncle will come so we have to stay home

Jk: H-hyung i have college I-its important i can't

Suga: kook baby you know na how  Unsel is? He specially wants to meet you so please stay home for us baby broo

Jk: hmm

Kook was eating quietly that time he found a hair in food he immediately spit the last bite and made a ewww face

Joon/suga: what happened kooki 

Jk: ewww hair on my food i can't eat it 

Jin Jimin and hobi got scard because they know what coming next specially Jin because today she prepared food

Suga: Who made this food ( deep voice) 

Jin: m-me 

Joon: You bitch can't do a work properly 

Suga: Joon control your wife teach her how to cook 

Joon got up from his seat and went to trembling Jin and slapped him twice while continuously begging for leave her joon about to beat her but Kook stopped him 

Jk: H-hyung it's already late night leave her you can talk to har tomorrow i-i am sleepy 

Suga: Kooki but food 

Jk: It's ok hyung 

Jk didn't stop for a moment and rush into his room and lock the door his body was trembling badly tear drop from his eyes 

Jk: mwama kwokwi is scwald


Other side 

Same night 

Kim Mansion 

When Tae and Mr kim went to their house they saw Mrs kim waiting for them 

Tae: amma 

Mrs kim: Tae baby you came..i was waiting for you both 

Mr kim : what happen honey you are looking very happy what's the matter 

Mrs kim: tomorrow we aren't going village 

Tae: Really 

Mrs kim nodded and start cheering happily because she loves spending time with her parents but because of farm in village her parents staying there

Mrs kim: Yes but baby i need something from you 

Tae: amma then tell me my one call i can give you anything 

Mrs kim : this time you call can't do anything 

Tae: then 

Mrs kim: It's only you 

Mr kim: honey don't tell me you are talking about the matter 

Tae: Appa amma please can you guys tell me what happened 

Mr kim: Baby you amma and me want you get married 

Tae: what.? 

Mrs kim: Please baby listen to us please we found a boy for you 

Tae: I can't promise 

Mr kim: then first meet with him 

Tae: Ok i can try hmm by the way what is his name...? 

Mrs kim: His name is......! 


To be continue......


Please wait for the next part.....

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