Part 3

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Mrs Kim: His name is....... 

Tae: Ammaaaaaa please don't create suspense 

Mrs kim: ahh are you that much desperate to hear your soon to be husband's name huu huu 

Tae: appaaaaa your wife is teasing me 

Mr kim: honey it's bad manners don't tease our baby tiger please tell her future hubby's name she can't wait anymore

Tae: appaa you also i wouldn't talk  to you ( pout) 

Mrs kim: Omooo our baby pout the greatest cold ceo is pouting here why because of her future husband oh my hill god 

Tae: ammaaaa appaaa you both are very bad i don't wanna know that stupid name huu even i don't wanna marry him i will reject him just wait and watch 

Mrs kim: ok ok i will see it we are meeting him tomorrow now good night baby 


Next morning 

Jeon Mansion 

There is only the sound of spoons and plates scraping on the dining table not like others day three brothers aren't talking why 

Because today their uncle Mr Jeon and his wife Mrs Jeon join them in the breakfast they are sitting like they are king and queen here 

Mr Jeon: Jungkook be ready at 5 pm someone coming here to see you for your marriage and i don't wanna hear no from you 

Jk: b-but i am s-still a s-student 

Mr Jeon: so what you are remain a student as always like a dumbass so agree i heard they have connection with kim corporation so i don't wanna miss this opportunity so get ready at 5 

Jk: ok ( small voice) 

His brothers and sister in laws looking at him sadly they can't do anything 

Mrs Jeon: and Jimin you know na what to do so don't spoil our day 

Jimin nodded with a sad face other sigh 


4:55 PM  

Mr Jeon: is everything okk 

Joon: yes uncle

Mr Jeon: good 

When they are talking they heard car sound from outside 

Mr Jeon: behav everyone they are here 

Jk: u-uncel i need to pee 

Mrs Jeon: this useless brat go and come first 

That time the door got open and there was  standing Kim family 

Everyone bow to them  Mrs Jeon looking at them like they are some insects joon and suga with their wives they welcome them inside 

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Everyone bow to them  Mrs Jeon looking at them like they are some insects joon and suga with their wives they welcome them inside 

Mrs jeon : are you sure they can help us look at them ewww i don't like the girl poor neard 

Mr jeon: hold on let me talk with them now let's go inside 

Living room.... 

Mrs kim: Mr Jeon where the person for whome we are here 

Mr jeo: abb he went to bathroom just a sec i will call him,, jin go and call him 

Jin: ok 

But before jin call him they saw someone coming downstairs head hanging low 

Mrs jeon: here come the useless 

Mrs jeon whisper at herself but she didn't notice Tae heard it and observe her others every move when Tae look in front of her 

She can feel her high rates heartbeat her eyes stuck on the person she feel something something and the feeling she feel it's new for her 

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She can feel her high rates heartbeat her eyes stuck on the person she feel something something and the feeling she feel it's new for her 

Joon: He is my brother Jeon Jungkook 

Jk: Hii i am jeon jungkook college student nice to meet you ( bow) 

Mr kim: Hi Jungkook, come sit 

Mrs Kim: Nice to meet you too son

Mrs kim pinch Tae for say something but she roll her eyes 

Tae: Nice to meet you too 

Mr jeon : soo are your family related with Kim corporation.? 

Tae: sorry but why do you wants to know.? 

Mr Jeon: abb umm acctu- 

Mrs jeon: look here girl my husband wants to deel with kim corporation so we contact with your family we heard you are poor your parents live in village who will wants to be marry you without any payment from your family and even you are not that much beautiful and you know we are super rich so we wants to deal with you that we will merry you with Jeonkook and you will help us in the deal with Kim that's it 

Mr kim : what the hell what did you think of yourself our daughter isn't any useless things that we will fixes her price she ia more precious for us it's doesn't matter we are rich or poor live in village or city it's matter they she is our daughter every daughter is precious for their parents so don't insults any girls parents and girls next time and we aren't interested in this office good bye 

When mr kim said this Jeon family's eyes widen mr jeon glares at his wife who gulap 

Mr Jeon : Abb Mr kim I apologize for my wife please we can talk about it 

Mr Kim : no here no talk we are leaving 

Mr kim and Mrs Kim ready to leave and Jeon family try to convince them but two person was silent one his kook, who stearing at wall and other person is Tae who only looking at kook 

Mr Kim:  Tae why are you sitting here let's go from here 

Tae: Sorry Appa 

Mr Kim: huu.? 

Tae: Mr jeon i have a great deal for you 

Mrs Kim: Tae baby...?


To be continue...


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