Part 1

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A girl looking totally professional and her range screaming power anyone can get scard in front of her confidence

She is very powerful smart beautiful talented everyone wants to be with her like everyday in front of her one business man placed marriage  proposal for his son

And the girl is none other than Kim Taehyung CEO of kim corporation

And the girl is none other than Kim Taehyung CEO of kim corporation

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Sometimes like that

Tae: Soo Mr Lee what are you talking about

Mr lee: woo actually daug--

Tae: it's M's Kim

Mr Lee: sorry Ms Kim actually i am here for my son he lik-es you very muc-h he wants to m-ar-ry you so i am here for the marr-iage propo-sal

Tae: I see what his profession is.?

Me Lee: abb umm he is stu-den-t, student he is ha bri-ght stu-dent its his last year after that he can take over my co-mp-any he is ni-ce guy totally pure, and he can protect you from your enemies he is very strong and handsome

Tae: hmm i see but can't you talk little confidencely by the way as per i know Your son Lee yean 24 years old last year's in college failure it's his 3 time in same class fuck boy didn't spend his night without girls or drinking or smoking, few days ago some girls beat him he had plaster in his left hand, ohoo such a pure boy, can't even protect himself from some girls here he wants to protect me from my enemies do you know how much enemies i have HAAA DARE TO CAME AGAIN HERE GET OUT FROM HERE

Tae shouted at Mr Lee who flinched badly, he gulap and  immediately ran from there Tae sigh and closed her eyes she was very frustrated that time she heard a knock on her door then entered her father with a smile

Tae: Appa how many times have I told you that you don't need to knock

Mr kim: it's rule my dear and i have to obey it

Tae: Appa you are my appa not any staff and it's last warning for you

Mr Kim: ok ok my drear angry tigress my mom

Tae: i need a coffee that man already eat my head uff

Mr kim: business matter.?

Tae: Nah he came here with a proposal for his useless son uff

Mr kim chuckle at her adorable daughter who just pout angrily

Mr kim: But you have to marry my daughter

Tae: no i don't want to, i always wants to be with you and Amma

Mr Kim: it's natur rules love a daughter born as a princess in her father's house to become the queen of someone else's house, every girl has to leave her parents house for her husband, for a new life a new family, just like your mother my mother every mother, they sacrifice their many things just for their love one, you have to do that too

Tae: Then why only girls.? Why don't boys do this for us?

Mr kim: who said boys didn't sacrifice anything they also did if the person is a real man he can do many sacrifices for his loved one, like our father,

Tae: i know Appa i saw you many times

Mr kim: okkh enough emotional drama, now tell me what time of family and boy you want as your your future husband or family hmm...

Tae: You know na appa i don't have any time for amy relationship or this about boys

Mr kim : offooo mumma, i know you don't wants to find any boy for you but i wants son-in-law as soon as possible so help your poor father a little my dear princess

Tae: Apppaaaaa ok ok listen The person must be mature older enough who can take care of his family and wife, well educated, loyal, not a pary person, strong, well mannered, who give importance to the time, who can support me respect me looks doesn't matter and about family wants a lovely family who can support each other decent respected it's not matter they are poor or rich i just want kind person in my life like you and Amma

Mr kim: Ok let's find out where this type of family and boy are for my princess, now let's go your amma must be waiting for you, me and your mom have to go to our village tomorrow morning it's already 9 PM

Tae: Ok appa let's goo

Tae: Ok appa let's goo

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Other side

A boy in his early 20 enjoying with his friends inside a club girls are around like a bee

Why not when they found a handsome rich boy, they are trying to seduce him touch him touched by him but he didn't touch any of them that way

He love playing music instruments it's his everyday routine he is totally care free he is none other then Our Jeon Jungkook

After playing instruments he sat on of the single couch sipping on his drink and that time one girl sat on his lap and tried to kiss on his lip

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After playing instruments he sat on of the single couch sipping on his drink and that time one girl sat on his lap and tried to kiss on his lip

But like every time he got angry and pushed her and she landed on the floor

Jk: wtf Mina how many times i asked you not to kiss on my lips or never set on my lap you are heavy my brothers feed my for not to carry your heavy bum

Jk said in anger and the girl looking at him with fire eyes the girl is his gf who always wants to intimated with kook but kook isn't ready not even kissing on her lips

Mina: WTF Jungkook you are insulting me in front of everyone i am your gf what's the problem with you why don't you want to kiss me or even touch me, we are going to marry after just a few years then what's the problem.?

Jk: What M-marry haaa haaa haaa list just stay like my gf okk i am not interested in marry anyone got it now bye you spoil my mood

With that he left from there leaving a dumbfounded girl there

To be continue.....


Can you please wait till October last 🥺..?

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