Part 5

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Next day 

Evening time 

Kook was in his room he was totally nervous he didn't contact with his gf  

 because of his uncle and aunty they warn him that they don't want to miss this deal He feels hurt because his uncle saw his life like a deal his happiness doesn't matter for them 

He sighs when he hears a knock on his door He gets up from his bed and goes to open the room door  and when he opens the door there stands his aunty with an annoying face 

Mrs Jeon: you useless brat what took you that much time to open the door  

Jk: I am sorry 

Mrs Jeon: yeahh whatever comes down stairs that girl must be coming soon uff  they can't do any work without my involves what a useless family I don't know why my husband  pulling you and your useless family 

Mrs Jeon busy with her hurtful words towards kook who silently stood there and Mrs Jeon didn't notice when a figure stood behind her and observed everything 

?? : excuse me old lady 

?? : excuse me old lady 

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(Pic aren't mine)

Within a mili second Mrs Jeon faces the voice 

Mrs Jeon: to whom you are calling Old lady haa ms Kim Taeun

Tae: did you see any  lady other than you and in fact you are looking more old than my late grandma and your kind information is  Kim Taehyung not any Taeun.... and if you are done with your nonsense can I take my date with me  

Mrs Jeon: you poor girl dares to talk back with me just wait and watch what I can do with you and your family 

Tae: o m g I am so scared please don't do anything with us oldy huu don't forget about Kim's deal 

Tae said dramatically and Mrs stomped her foot and left from there with a angry face Tae chuckle and look in front of her there our human bunny already looking at her with open mouth so Tae closed his mouth with her index finger 

Tae: close your mouth and now let's go we are already late because of that oldy i don't like late now let's go 

With that Tae held Kood's hand and dragged him towards her car, following a little baby other family members looking at them with wide open eyes 


With Taekook 

Inside a mall 

Tae took Kook  into a restaurant  which is inside a mall  

Tae: Order whatever you want to eat

Jk: I am the top here and you are the bottom one so you order first ( a little coldly) 

Tae: Where is it written that only the top can dominate? 

Jk: it's rules don't you know girls didn't talk  over her husband, and I am soon to be your husband 

Tae raise her eyebrows 

Tae: aren't you too much, never mind  Waiterrrr 

Tae called a waiter and gave her an order  and among drinks she ordered wine looking at her kook and also ordered the same 

When their food arrived at their table at that time a kid was ordering banana milak from a table near them and when kook heard banana milk his whole attention went towards the kid and Tae noticed it 

Tae: Um do you want banana milk 

Jk: huu aaa na na na it's child things and I am a big boy I am going to be husband soon hu 

Kook said little proudly and Tae raised her eyebrows and murmured 

Tae: I can see how much big boy you are 

Jk: did you say something 

Tae: oh yes um I want banana milk please call the waiter 

Jk: Do you like banana milk?

Tae: Actually I have never tried it so I want to try it can you please.? 

Jk: why not ( shining eyes) 

Jk: why not ( shining eyes) 

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When waiter serve banana milk  kook look at the milk then Tae then lick his lips  Tae observe everything with a little smile and act like shw was drinking it and kook's whole attention towards Tae and milk and gulap 

Tae: ewww i don't like it, my strawberry milk is better than this now what should I do with this whole milk now should I throw it 

Tae acts and Kook's eyes wide he immediately grabs the milk 

Jk: hey do you even know what a test is and don't you know that we shouldn't waste any food give it to me I will finish it 

Tae: but you said you didn't like it then

Jk: look I don't like waste food so I can manage it 

Tae: ohh ok thank you 

Tae forward the milk toward kook who took it with a bunny smile and happily sipping it 

Tae: so are you ok with this marriage 

Jk: as if I have any other options and by the way why you want to marry me 

Tae: actually I don't know but I want to marry you and if I want anything then I can get it easily 

Jk: look everything isn't easy 

Tae: I can see  it 

Jk: Are you sure you can handle me, I am not easy to handle 

Tae: If I can't handle you then no one in this world can handle you...... 

To be continue......


Hey it's my birthday.....

Please wait for the next part.....

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