discovering those feelings

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Shubman was now pacing back and forth in his king size hotel room they were in ranchi due to ishan training for the first time since they reached there shubman didn't accompanied him for his net sessions with mahi bhai at Jca as mahi bhai as asked him not to so that ishan didn't get distracted. When ishan know that shubman was not going with him for his training he was strangely upset which was noticed by shubman so to convince ishan he told him they will his day off together by eating his favorite food at his favorite restaurant to which ishan agreed whole heartedly. When he went to Stadium. Shubman who was now alone starting wandering about his thoughts about ishan like how ishan constant chattering relieved his mood ,how ishan laugh resulted in his lifting his mood or how he left everything behind to help ishu to gain his lost confidence he was starting to ponder at those thoughts and he a sudden wave of loneliness hit him as he has to spend next few hours in this hotel room alone without his constant presence of ishu. Now shubman remember that since he come here he hasn't call his family so he dialed his sister number as she was the only one who can help him with these feelings. As soon as he called it was immediately picked by shahneel di who first yelled at him for not calling before they were constantly chattering about his training but when shahneel di asked about ishan he says ya he is also having a great progress and will back in form in no time so shaneel di stay stupid I was asking your love life with ishan to which shubman says di I love ishu like a friend ,like a best friend I am not into boys to which his di says try convincing yourself and she cut the call and leave shubman with million of questions in his mind and he asked Himself does he love ishan like that he has never considered himself into boys but the latest reaction of his di and his decisions regarding ishan like how possessive he was for ishan but this was not new he was also possesive about his people but and afterthought hit him since when did ishu become his he was having those thoughts when his phone rang to his surprise it was mahi bhai calling which was wierd as he never called during ishu practice nevertheless he picked it up and to his horror mahi bhai has told him to immediately come to the Stadium as ishan has fainted and they are taking him to nearby hospital . Hospital ,ishan, faint has freezed shubman it was mahi bhai voice that had awakened him so he without caring anything asked mahi bhai the hospital address and immediately ran towards ishan thankfully he has ishan car with him so he in no startled driving in GPS the hospital was showing 30 min but for shubman it was 30 hours as every minute was passing like an hour for shubman he drove so rapid that he reached in just 15 min on reaching hospital he saw mahi bhai .As soon as he saw mahi bhai the first question was where was ishan and how did it happened .Mahi bhai who was shocked to see shubman arrived there so quickly was about to scold him for his reckless driving but was interrupted by nurse who told him ishan has gained consciousness and was asking for him .Yes ishan was asking for shubhi continuesly so mahi bhai had called him .Shubman by listining this without wasting a second ran towards ishan .when he reached what he saw made his knees go weak as ishu was lying on the bed with multiple equipments attached to his body .he gently and very carefully hold ishan hand in his hand and caressed his head ishu who has sensed a familiar feeling of warmth slowly opened his eyes and what he saw made him smile even in this condition .By seeing shubhi in front of him ishu got overwhelmed and was trying to get up shubman who saw it stopped him from getting up in his own very warmly and carefully made him set up and was about to called the doctor but ishu stop from doing it by holding his hand and gestured shubhi to come closer to him when he did that ishu just put his head on his chest there was comfortable silence around them for shubman as he was discovering his feelings was very special as ishu even in this stare lying in hospital bed was asking for his presence. There sweet moment was disturbed by the knock on the door so relecuntely shubman had to leave ishan for opening the door he by great difficulty as pulled his hand out of ishan grasp as ishu was not allowing to leave him after a great struggle he managed to open the door and saw it was mahi bhai with doctor who was checking on ishu .shubman as soon as he see doctor bombarded him with questions about ishan how did it happen to which doctor replied ishan has fainted due to dehydration as temperatures was unusually high and he has not eaten anything after breakfast. Shubman who listened it turn towards ishan who was sleeping so peacefully he has made up his mind to scold ishan when he wake up from his sleep .when doctor and mahi bhai left to complete discharge formality he again went near ishan hold his hand ,carresed his hair and scold him in his mind oh ishu what did I about you and your carelessness did you even know what happened to me when mahi bhai has called me and say you fainted I feel that ground beneath me has swept that 30 minutes distance felt like 30 hours for me ishu every minute every second I thought that I had lost you do you even think before you do ishu do you even realize what would have happened to me .ishu I don't know whether I love you more then friends or not but one thing is sure I can't loose you .shubman with these thoughts slept beside ishan only .Next morning when ishan wake up he saw world best scene shubhi was sleeping with his mouth open and eyes closed ishu was awake and was staring at shubman when doctor visited again and told him young man you don't know that shubman has stayed awake whole night to take care of you so you Better take care of yourself for him atleast by listining his ishu was overwhelmed as he thought somebody is there for him after his parents and brother which reminded him he hasn't informed him he was about to call them but mahi bhai told him shubhi has already informed him and said not to worry he is there with by listining this ishu was happy he went near shubman and says thank you become my best friend shubhi but what ishu don't know was that this best friendship will be something more in few time with these thoughts ishu went back to sleep and was mentally prepared for tomorrow scolding session as he know shubman will not leave him for his carelessness

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