ishan ignorance and shubman outburst

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It was the final night before the third t20 both shubman and ishu were sleeping cuddling each other when the alarm went off and they both get up. Ishu seeing himself wrapped around shubman smiled but got up seeing the time at breakfast table for once shubman got late as he was still dizzy and was feeling feverish .at breakfast table everybody was shocked seeing ishu entering before shubman as they always arrived together they all were having breakfast minus shubman as he was still in the room When rahul sir make a announcement that mayank markande is joining the squad as jaddu bhai back up listining his under 19 buddy name ishu was on cloud nine so he quickly asked rahul bhai when he is arriving to which rahul sir replied in sometime in this excitement ishu forgot that his shubhi hasn't come for dinner and is battling fever whole team was shocked that not even once has ishu asked about shubhman so in order to welcome mayank ishan totally forget about shubhi after half an hour when shubman come to practice he meet everybody but his eyes were searching for his pocket dynamo when he asked about him he was told that his under 19 buddy mayank Markande will join the team in sometime listining this shubman was jealous but more then jealous he was hurt that his pocket dynamo has forget about him he didn't even ask him why has he not come for breakfast but none of them mattred to him so he directly went towards net and start practice even in fever when rohit bhai who saw something off with shubman check his temperature which was warm then usual so he suggested shubhi that he had fever so he should take rest but shubman was so hurt by ishu completely denied it and start practicing with more intensity ishu who was entering with mayank saw shubman practice and smiled at him but shubman did not pay any heed to it as he was hurt so he ignored ishan and continue with practice ishu who was busy in conversation with mayank considered it as normal whole team was confused by ishu behavior after practice everyone went back to their room except shubman who was still fielding in the grounds was thinking that his ishu ,his pocket dynamo has forgot about him that mayank was more important for him then me so he laughed at himself and said ok shubman if you are not important to ishu then you will stay away from him if ishu happiness is mayank you will not come between them by this thought he leaves the practice grounds .shubman who was very ill due to fever was facing difficulty to go back room but he manages himself and finally reached there to see empty room as ishan has gone with mayank for sight seeing which was another heartbreaking news for shubhi so he decided that he will not impose   himself on ishan so he just tried to sleep but sleep was not in his mind as he can't sleep with ishan thoughts in his mind so he requested coach sir to change his room who was shocked but listining shubman reason who told him that mayank can shift in his room and he can have a single room so shubhi room was shifted on the topmost floor of hotel away from everyone when shubman entered his new room he told himself buckle up shubman this is your new life emptiness as without ishu he was empty but sad part was ishu didn't even care .when ishu entered the hotel with mayank he meet rahul sir who told him that mayank will stay with them ishu who was happy listining this directly dragged mayank to thier room he did not even care to listen to full sentence that shubman will be in seperate room when he reached room he sensed something wrong but was distracted by mayank talk but after some time he found the feeling of loneliness in the room but he cannot pin out what his thoughts were distracted when mayank told him to sleep that's it by hearing sleep his thoughts automatically went towards shubhman now he realized what's wrong in the room as his shubhi was not there in the room but that did not strike his mind that shubman has changed the room so he was waiting for shubman but he was surprised when he saw mayank sleeping with him and his surprise was turned into nightmare when he saw abhishek entering the room without shubman so he without a second that ran towards abhishek and ask where is shubhi to which abhishek says he don't know he has not seen shubman after practice now ishu finally realized that he has not talked with shubman since morning as shubman has not come for breakfast mayank who was surprised with ishu behavior asked him what happened to which ishu replied I am asking about shubhi to which mayank Ohh shubman gill your competition don't know how arrogant he is you are sharing room with him listining mayank badmouthimg shubhi ishu shouted at him and listen mayank you may be by buddy but the one who you are talking about is my family and about competition hell is no one competition he is league of his own where no body can reach you will know who is he when you face him in the nets or watch him play so don't talk rubbish about shubhman especially not in front of me ishu who was still waiting for shubman was found asleep in the couch and mayank had to put him to sleep .shubman who was coming to take his leftovers saw ishu sleeping with mayank laughed painfully and said to himself congratulations on being replaced Mr gill
So with a broken heart he went back to his new room and asleep on no time due to fever .next morning when ishu woke up was shocked to found himself sleeping beside mayank and abhishek who was sleeping in the seperate bed which means shubhi has not come to room at night but why .at breakfast table again shubman did not come as he was still ill when ishu come for breakfast everybody was looking at him he was about to ask for shubman but can't as he saw shubman coming towards them but was shocked when he directly went to practice and did not even bother to greet him after a while everyone went towards ground and were shocked to see shubhi practice with so much intensity those who know about shubhman seriousness for the game was smiling but those who don't was astonished to see him batting free flowing mayank in his ego challenged shubman to face him listining this everybody even ishu was shocked he was about to stop him but did not as he know it was important to mayank to know where he stands so when mayank bowled first ball it went for a four .next ball six ,next ball four seeing his shubhi batting like this ishu was happy but shubman body language was different as if he was tired and ill but he pushed those thoughts when shubhi has finished his mini battle with mayank who was shocked to see the one whom he thought egoistic and arrogant was hitting his balls for 4 and 6 with such ease ishu who was it put his hand on mayank shoulder and says that's why he is no one competition and can never be now you know why I respect him he was about to say love but stopped himself as he don't want to reveal his feelings for shubhi to any outsider yes although mayank was his buddy but when came to his shubhi everybody was an outsider to him when he saw shubman coming towards him he went to him but shubhi directly went to nets and start practicing again after practicing when everybody was dispersing to thier room ishu saw Shubhi going towards upward direction which was strange as this was the top most floor of the hotel and thier room was on 5 floor but shubman was going toward 17 floor he was about to ask why but was stopped by mayank who was dragging him to their room after freeing himself from mayank ishu shouted at him why has he dragged him he was going to talk to shubman mayank asked why to which ishu replied why he is going to 17 floor listening this mayank was shocked and said you don't know to which ishan replied what i don't know to which mayank answered yours and shubman room has changed me ,abhishek and you are sharing a room together .listining this ishu was dumbstruck and shouted why to which mayank replied so that we can stay together like old time ishu listining this directly ran towards rahul sir and asked why have you changed my and shubman room now even rahul sir was shocked and I did not shubman himself requested to change the room partners now ishu was more confused and wanted to ask shubman why he did that but he decided to leave the topic for dinner at dinner everyone was there except shubman as he will ill and he don't want to face ishu and mayank together so he decided to stay in his room only here at diner table ishu who was waiting for shubman to come so that they could talk about room changing thing but shubhi did not come now this was limit to ishu so he took his plates and asked rahul sir shubman room number which to his surprise was 1708 he was about to go there but stopped as he saw shubman coming towards them but all his happiness went away when he saw shubman sitting far  away from him he was thinking all this suddenly rohit bhai asked him about his fever listing shubhi having fever ishu was petrified but was more upset that shubman did not even bother to inform me but shubman answer completely shooked him to core as he said better now when rohit bhai asked him about room changing shubman replied its okay I am bound to be alone so it's nothing new for me to stay alone when shubman was about to go his room he looked towards ishan but seeing no reaction he get up from the chair and went towards lift when he entered the room he was about to sleep after this incident everybody was looking at ishu with disappointment ishu who couldn't take it anymore ran towards shubhi room and ring the bell. Shubman who was tired yet exhausted due to fever get up with a horrible body ache when he open the door he saw ishu he was about to close the door but it was too late as ishu has already entered he was about to ask what are you doing here to which ishu replied can't I come to my room to which shubman replied no this is my room your room is downstairs with mayank by listining this ishu said shubhi what had happened now shubman has lost it so he yelled at ishu and said it's you who has happened mr ishan kishan thank you for making me realize my value in your life that I am just a tissue paper for you by hearing this ishu was more shocked and said shubhi why are you saying this what had I done now shubman shouted that's the problem you have not done anything I was ill ,suffering with fever but ishu, my pocket dynamo oh sorry mayank ishu his best Friend has not even bothered to ask him what happened where I am ,why have I not arrived for dinner, why my room is being changed but no ever since mayank has come you have forgotten about me thank you for making me realize that I was just a replacement was mayank I'm your life I am nothing to you .by hearing such words from shubman ishu heart broke now he realized what he had done listining shubhi cries ishu collapsed on his knees but composed himself and by gathering courage he went towards shubhi was about to hug him but was stopped mid way by shubman who said that I am not mayank you can go your room to hug him now ishu has lost it he pulled shubhi towards him and said listen mr shubman gill i am sorry for ignoring you but how can you say it shubhi that you are just a replacement no shubhi you are my everything mayank is my buddy just like abhishek for you now shubman laughed painfully and said have I ever ignored you for abhishek have I ever sleep with him now ishu has lost it so he directly pulled shubhi face and kissed his lips and said no shubhi you can never do this and as for mayank ishu just pulled his phone and called mayank and asked him to bring his both the bags and his leftovers at shubhi room he cut the call and looked towards shubman who was looking at him by raised eyebrows by seeing shubhi looking towards him ishu just hugged him tight, kissed him tight here and there shubman who was enjoying this attention but wanted more so to tease ishan he said bored with mayank now ishu was looking very angrily at shubhi  so he pulled him closer to himself and kissed his chest look into his eyes and said no body in the world can make him feel like you do my shubhi be it mayank he is just a friend even when I was with him I was looking for you when I came to know about this room changing thing I was shocked you know I couldn't sleep without you to which shubhi said I saw you sleeping with mayank now ishu just pulled shubman towards him in bed laid beside him put his head on his shoulder and started kissing his exposed chest and whispered I can't sleep with mayank like this I want to sleep like this you knew shubhi I feel very safe and warm with you it's like with you with me nobody can harm me I don't know these feelings but I know I can't stay away from you please shubhi give me any punishment but not this listining punishment shubman smirked and pulled ishu below him and started kissing his neck, ear ,face ,eyes ,shoulder ishu who was craving for this touch wanted more seeing ishu responding shubman continued his torture and said so ishu tell me who you belong to  ishu didn't take a second and reply yours shubhi i am yours ishu, yours pocket dynamo please shubhi now shubman settled beside ishan and ishan shifted closer to shubhi body and pulled his one arm and wrapped it around his shoulder shubhi who was shocked yet happy with his ishu action immediately pulled him more closer and ishu rest his head on shubhman chest and started his favorite job kissing his home which was shubman chest he felt asleep in no time listining his favorite sound shubhi heart beat and whispered yours now shubman was sure that ishu loved him he was just waiting for 23 of July to make his pocket dynamo forever his

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