Code By Clans

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1: Warriors should always offer help to those who need it, no matter what

2: Warriors cannot eat until the elders and queens have taken their fill

3: Defend your clan with your life

4: Do not trespass

5: Prey is killed only to be eaten

6: A kit must be six moons to become an apprentice

7: Newly appointed warriors will spend one night in twoleg place to be sure that warriorhood is what they want

8: A cat must have mentored, or be mentoring, an apprentice before allowed to become deputy

9: The deputy will become leader when the current leader dies, resigns, is exiled, or disappears

10: A new deputy must be chosen within two days of a new leader or previous deputy leaving

11: Boundaries must be checked and marked twice per day

12: No warrior can ignore a kit in pain

13: Killing can get you exiled

14: The peace at the Gathering is to be respected by all cats

15: Cats are allowed to object to the current leader and choose a new one

16: Medicine cats are allowed to have a mate and kits


1: Warrior training will last nine moons with no exceptions

2: Medicine cat training will last twelve moons with some exceptions

3: Blind cats will get half a moon of extra training

4: Hunting parties will consist of three cats at least

5: Patrols will consist of five cats and will be sent out once a day at noon

6: A kit of eight moons or older can become an apprentice

7: Cat will rarely be permitted out of the ravine

8: If a cat wastes their prey, they are not allowed to eat anything for one day

9: Newly appointed warriors must make a full lap of the ravine to show they can get around without falling

10: A cat must have mentored two cats, some exceptions, before they are allowed to become a deputy

11: Causing the fall of someone gets you exiled for three moons without exceptions

12: A warrior rejects the life of a kittypet or AshClan cat

13: Killing will result in permanent exile

14: The leader must choose a new deputy before sunhigh or the medicine cat will pick one for them

15: If you break the truce of the Gathering, you will be banned from any further Gatherings with some exceptions

16: Medicine cats, Elders, Kits, Queens, and sick cats must eat before the warriors and apprentices


1: Defending your clan is most important

2: Give loyalty to your clan above other clans

3: Do not hunt or trespass on other territories

4: Elders, Queens, and sick cats must eat first, unless the leader says otherwise

5: Deputies must be chosen before moonhigh

6: Wasted prey will result in your next meal getting taken away

7: A kit must be at least six moons to become an apprentice

8: Newly appointed warriors will spend one night alone in the swamp to prove they're skilled enough to survive

9: A cat cannot be made a deputy without having mentored one cat before

10: The Gathering truce must be respected

11: Boundaries must be checked and marked once a day

12: No warrior is allowed to hurt a kit or stand by while a kit is injured

13: Killing will get you exiled, some exceptions

14: A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet or AshClan cat

15: Mates outside of the clan are allowed but discouraged

16: Friends outside of the clan are discouraged because they can divide loyalties


1: The deputy will not succeed the clan leader

2: The leader's next of kin with take on the role once the current leader dies, resigns, or disappears

3: A kit of any age can become an apprentice

4: The leader's word is law

5: Trying to overthrow the leader is worthy of death

6: Give your life for your leader

7: Warriors, Medicine cats, and Apprentices eat first

8: Newly appointed warriors must pledge their undying loyalty to the leader

9: The deputy is not allowed to have a mate or kits

10: Medicine cats are not allowed to have a mate or kits

11: The truce at Gatherings is allowed to be broken for a good reason

12: Boundaries must be checked three times a day with four cats per patrol

13: Wasting prey will get you banned from eating for three days

14: A warrior will be treated as dead if they abandon the clan or are exiled

15: Trespassing on other territories is allowed, but you will be scolded if caught unless other punishments seem more fitting

16: Killing in a battle will result in a light scolding, but no harsh punishments

17: Having friendships or mates outside of the clan can get you exiled

The Shared Code

1: Halfclan kits will be taken into the mother's clan unless the mother dies or a reason against it is presented

2: The Gathering must happen once every moon and must be attended by all four clans

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