The Drug in Me is You

13 1 7

Gerard's POV

Monday morning....

In the midst of my sleep, I hear my alarm going off and mentally groan at the thought of getting up. Or even getting dressed. Why did my weekends always fly by so quickly?

I go shower, brush my teeth, wash my face, and throw on something before jogging down the stairs. In the midst of me grabbing my keys and backpack, I notice something...

My car keys were gone.

I look all over the place. Around the entrance table, on the coffee table, the counter. They should've been attached to my house keys like always.

Then a harsh thought came to mind...


Did he take my fucking keys? Did he leave without me?

I hear my dad coming down the stairs on the phone, clearly on his way to work. He takes a couple glances at me as he gathers his suit case.

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry Gerard. I forgot to tell you. Your brother left for school early this morning, said something about a field trip that the buses came earlier for it." He says, opening his suitcase.

Field trip? It's only the second week. There wasn't a damn field trip. How'd they even fall for that if he didn't bring a permission slip?

"Yeah, okay." I say, chuckling. "Can you give me a ride? He basically stranded me here." My dad was fumbling his files as if he didn't hear me.

"Dad?" I ask again, raising my eyebrows. He looks up at me slightly annoyed.

"Gerard, listen I really don't have time for this right now, do you think you could ask your mother?" He suggests. I roll my eyes, sighing.

"It's fine. I'll just walk." I say finally. I swing my bag over my shoulder and slam the door as he carries on with his phone call.

Can't wait to move the hell out of this house.

Later at the library......

I sit flipping through my textbooks, taking notes as I go. For once, I was spending my free period actually studying. We had a test in Advanced Calculus this Friday, and I was already hearing horror stories about it. The party life was fun, but now it's back to business. And this time ...... with Harvard on the line.

I continue to write, until I feel the table start bumping.

I see it's Ray and Hayley taking a seat in front of me.

"Fuck, it's hot as shit in here! What do they have the heat on, 90?" Ray loudly says, removing his jacket.

The librarian hastily shushes him as all the nerds stare at us in unison. I look down into my book, somewhat embarrassed.

"What's everyone's deal?" Ray whispers carelessly.

"I don't know, maybe cause your yelling in the library?" Hayley says sarcastically going through her bag.

"What do you need to be able to hear? Reading?" He says. I actually somewhat laugh at his joke.

"How's the studying going?" Hayley asks.

"It's okay. Can't believe I agreed to take advanced. I thought quadratics and trigonometry were confusing." I admit, rubbing my eyes.

"I break out at the sight of math, I feel the hives coming already. What do you take this shit for?" Ray asks, taking my book and flipping through it.

I shrug. "Cause my folks want me to be the next Issac Newton." I say rolling my eyes. "They just told me the other day I got into the Harvard Early College program. They didn't.... even ask me if I wanted to honestly."

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