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The back area of campus....

Gerard's POV

Since Mikey drove off with my car, I didn't have a way home unless I walked there. I didn't see a point in walking all the way home only to have to leave an hour later to come back for the game. So I decided I'd just stick around with Frank until it started.

I follow Frank mindlessly to the edge of the school yard. I'd never been to this side of the campus before. I didn't even know if we were allowed over here. I slow down in my tracks as we reach the woods.

"Uh.... where are we going?" I ask a bit confused.

"Theres this duck off from the nature trail we're gonna go to." Franks says. "I've been going there since sophomore year with my friends. None of the staff really know about it. It's kind of our secret spot to get up to shit. If you catch my drift."

His secret spot? He trusted me enough already to take me to it? He must've really enjoyed my company and honestly, that was kind of nice to know.

On the other hand.... he could be a serial killer taking me to eternal demise. I was gonna end up on the news as the dumbass that followed him right into his trap.

Frank begins descending into the trail, the trees scatter the golden hour light onto his face as he stares at me in anticipation. 

"Well... you coming?" He asks laughing a bit as he does. 

.... Fuck it. Guess I'll die today.


At the Ravine.....

Frank and I wind through a few trees and bushes off the path which eventually led to an opening on the side of the path.

Frank starts to make his way down skillfully, while I wobble like a toddler walking for the first time. I was way too athletically challenged for this shit.

I make sure to be careful going down the steep rocks that lead down into it. If Frank didn't kill me, falling down this rickety ass hill might.

Almost immediately, I feel myself slipping as my vans hit a rock that had been wet some how. I feel myself losing my balance and start to fall forward.

As I was for half a second accepting my demise, Frank grabs my arm catching me mid fall. I exhale out of relief.

"God, you really are clumsy." Frank jokes, helping me stand up. I can feel my face going red all over. He practically just saved my life just now.

"I'm sorry ....I guess I'm not used to this kind of thing." I say as we continue to trek. "I haven't been hiking since like 8th grade. I barely go outside these days as is."

"Well allow me to show you my world then..." Frank leads on. He pulls back a few branches for me to go under. 

And to.... and amazing sight.

There was a valley behind all these trees with rolling land. A small creek ran through, creating tranquil water ambience as it ran through. It was riddled with branches and stones crossing over it with aquatic wildlife infiltrating it all. I could see the edge of the Pacific Ocean and a faint skyline of the California channel islands in the distance. I sometimes forget we basically live in a coastal city.

"Holy shit." I respond.

"Yeah, I felt the same way when I saw the place." Frank agrees, walking over to the edge of the hill, staring out at the view. I walk up next to him, taking it all in as well

"How did you know all this was back here?" I ask. 

"Eh. We really come here to get high and drink." He admits shrugging. "But now, I mainly come here to think, write, play my guitar. Be truly alone." As a fellow introvert, I resonated with that statement.

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