Chapter 1

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-New beginnings-

Stella's pov:

I can't believe it. Im one on my way to university and two my parents aren't here to breathing down my neck saying how much I need to be on my best behavior with my powers. Honestly I was kind of feeling like young Elsa with her parents trying to hide her powers.

But today and for the next while is different. Im on my way to a new life, in a pretty beat up taxi with my headphones blasting my favorite songs.  Not going to lie though that being on my own now is a bit nerve-racking but also exciting. Im on my own now. As I place my head against the coolish window glass it finally hits me that we made it to the front gates of the university and the taxi driver waving at me to get my attention. I lift both sides of the headphones over my head.

"Miss, I been trying to get your attention for the past 5mins but we are here." The driver paused.
"That will be $35.57 from the drive from the airport"

I reach into my beige tote bag, getting out my wallet and passing the driver two 20 dollar bills.
"Keep the change." I said getting out of the car grabbing my suitcase from the trunk. I turn my head back as I watch the taxi drive off. It really stinks in now that I guess I'm really doing this, I'm really going to be a hero and show my parents my powers can be used for good so I won't let them down. Just as I was about to walk through the front gates to my new life. My tote bag slides down my shoulder falling to the floor,spilling my note book,two pens, my wallet and my headphones. Luckily my phone was in my hand so it couldn't break.

Just my luck. I sigh as I bent down to grab my bag with the stuff spilled out of it. Just as I reach for my notebook. A hand reaches out and grabs my two pens and hands them to me while I put the rest in my bag.
"Thank-you." I look up and see a girl with straight short black hair with a may I say a really cute outfit. But oh my lord. Not to sound like a creep but she is so gorgeous. Like honestly the prettiest girl I've met. But then all I heard was a "mhm" before the girl walked way through the gates. I guess she isn't a people person... but now that I think about it, I swear I've seen her face before. Huh.. can't remember,must be my imagination.

I quietly get myself together before entering the gates to my new life.

I got up the too many stairs in this place, you'd think being such an expensive school that there would be an elevator to the dorms but NO! I had to carry my big ass suitcase up literally 3 flights of stairs. I finally got to the top,wiped out from exhaustion. From that I've come to the conclusion i either need to do more cardio or put up a petition for a freakin elevator because that will fully be my workout for now on cause oh my lord that wiped me out. Now, catching my breath I walk down the hallway walking until I hit dorm 79 which was written on the little note the person in the front foyer said was my dorm. I rest all my belongings against the wall while I get my key card out of my bag to unlock the door. Just as I was about to tap my card to unlock it, the door swings open with someone standing in the doorway. I look up to see their face of whom I guess will be my roommate and you bet ur ass I was shocked. It was the pretty girl who helped pick up my stuff outside not even a half an hour ago. Wait that means.... Oh shit. OH SHIT I'm sharing a room with the girl I called hot. Omg why couldn't I just get an questionable introvert girl that didn't have to look that good looking.

I snap out my thoughts with a voice coming from the girl. "Are you just going to stand there all day. Or are you going to come in then if your going to be my roommate."

Oh yeah oops. "Sorry" I quickly mumbled making my way into the spacious dorm room. I grab my suitcase and put it on top of my bed with my tote bag. I look around to see the girl standing there looking right at my eyes. I swear we make eye contact for like 1 min but of my goodness it was the hardest minute ever. Her eyes are stunning like why does she have to be so cute and have the nicest eyes,it's honestly not fair.

I fake cough to maybe break the awkward tension and quietness .
"Well I'm going to go to some things then. I guess I'll see you later" just as they were about to leave out of the doorway. My hand for some reason gets a mind if it's own and reaches out to grab onto her wrist,stopping her in her tracks. And well what do you know, look at that more eye contact. I'm fully surprised I haven't melted yet under that much contact but here I am.

"Um do you need something?" The confusion is very noticeable in her voice.
"Oh yeah actually I guess." I stutter trying to get the next sentence out. Being tucked away in my parents house unfortunately didn't give me that many opportunities to socialize which sounds really sad when I think about it" BUT ANYWAYS...

"See, I'm new and I suppose it would be nice to know what my roommates name is. But-t um you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I look down at my hand still holding onto her wrist.
"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry,I didn't mean to. I was just curious about what your name is. I probably look like a creep. Oh my gosh I'm so sorry again but my name is Stella if you were wondering. You probably weren't,sorry. Um. You have really nice eyes and your really pretty if I can say that."
I realize how much I was rambling, so I quickly shut up and look up to her face. Hoping she didn't think of me of this complete weirdo.

But as I look, all I can see is a smile.. huh a smile. That's new. But oh my gosh her smile is even cute. What the fuck!

"My name is Jordan...Jordan Li"
That's a nice name...wait

Jordan li...
Jordan li...

I knew I recognized their face from somewhere! Oh my gosh it finally sinks in. Jordan Li is the non binary superhero that is apparently really famous here. I'm actually so dumb.

"I'm so freaking sorry, I know you don't know what I was thinking before but like basically I didn't know who you were at first when we first met. And I sorta said 'she' like a lot. I'm so sorry that Is literally so rude of me. Oh my goodness I'm so freakin sorry."

A sign was let out from them... omg I so ruined my chances of even becoming friends with them because of the fucking rambling. Ughhhh

"I can tell your quite the rambler. It's fine. Don't panic, you didn't know who I was then so it's fine,really I don't mind."

Oh thank the lord above!!

"I have to really go do things right now but I'm sure we can catch up later tonight at the dor-. Oh well you know what. Me and some people are going out to a club later tonight at 10:30 if you want to maybe also catch up there but look it's cool if not."

I think I forgot how to breath...did they just really invite me. OH MY GOSH! Well of course I want to go but I can't scream back OF COURSE! Like gotta play it cool... okay go Stella

"Um that sounds good, I'll see you then"
I smile tightly at the god of a person standing Infront of me.

"Okay,cool." I look as they reach into their pocket to get a set of earbuds to place inside their ear. They turn and smile tightly at me before completely switching towards a more masculine and shorter fluffy hair,honestly still built like a god. Which they walk swiftly towards the big ass staircase down the hall leading downstairs.

I quickly shut the door. Finally able to catch my breath... did that just really happen. I look down at my watch and realize that there is supposed to be a surprise practice of some sorts down in fields that the receptionist at the front foyer told me about. So I grab onto my leather oversized jacket and tote bag and try to find my way to the field. This place really is huge. But my mind is still caught up on an amazing set of watercolor eyes... it's the freakin first day Stella and your already crushing hard on someone.

This is going to be one long ass year.

Authors note:
Oh my gosh, well first chapter! What do we thinkkkkk

Lots of love:

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