Chapter 16

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-you're on your own kid-


"You ready?" Marie whispers over to me from her makeup & hair chair.

"No. You?" I force my tight smile.

"Nope." She says, really popping the 'p'


Just as I was about to start up another conversation, mine and Marie's script was placed on our table. At the same time, we both pick it up and begin reading it.
But my eyes stop that this one line.

Marie: yes, it was just me and Stella.

Okay. Because I know they ain't trying to pull that over my head.
"Marie, did you see this?" I point to her line to say.

"Honestly I can't believe that they would do this. They KNOW it wasn't just us. It was also Jordan." I look towards Marie. I watch as she places her script back down and stares into the mirror, almost questioning her ability to go on with this interview. To be honest as she should.

"Actually Hailey, someone else was there too.... Jordan Li." I form a small smile at her words. First step is awareness...

But we got this. I mean what could go wrong.

-Skip to interview-

As me and Marie sit down, mentally preparing ourselves. Haley finally appears walking onto the stage.

I watch as Hailey basically ignores me and Marie which is no surprise. I guess people like this only are in for it for the money.

"But hey don't worry guess we won't mention your sister" she says normally glancing towards Marie.

"Or your mom." Motioning to me


I'm sorry. What.

"Pardon, I think I misheard you miss." I say calmly trying your best to keep myself composed.

"You heard me, oh that reminds me I also won't mention your dad and what's his name Andre. Your brother. That wouldn't be so nice of me, would it." Halley says sarcastically chuckling. 

I feel as though it is so silent in the room.

No sound.

No voice or smell.

Just my own thoughts creeping up to me.

Nobody is supposed to know about mom or my dad and brother.

"H-how do you know tha-" my shaky sentence is cut short by Hailey's voice as she sighs.

"Family right?" I carefully nod.
"Well Marie, you sister said she basically never wants anything to do with you. While you miss Stella, your mom sent the school a long ass email saying how much of a quote on quote 'monster' you are & to be weary of you." Hailey says in one breath barely showing any sympathy in her voice.

No.. no no.

Without thinking my body takes control and my feet begin to move.

I have to get out of here. She wasn't supposed to know I was here. I can't-

I hear screams and yells of my name shouting at me to get back. But I can't. I just keep running.

As I have made it to the exit doors of the building, I quickly unstrap my heels. Running towards the main entrance gate to the area of where all the dorms are.

I have to be alone.

'You'll never be good enough.'

I hear the voice of my mom echoing through my thoughts.

'You're a monster.'


'Nobody will ever love you'


I halt Infront of my dorm. Trying to catch my breath.

No matter the times I try to wipe away my long stream of tears, they keep coming down, quickly dripping down my dark skinned cheeks.

Trying to take one last deep breath, I reach for my door handle, in need just to escape into my corner alone.

But my hand stops at the creak of the door,opening from the other side, revealing someone that I'm not sure is the person whom I desperately wanted to see or the person I wanted to be far and distance from to never be able to hurt them.

It was Jordan.

With one look on their face, I knew that they knew.

It's like they can read me like an open book.

"Sunshine..." I lift my eyes to see feminine Jordan slowly inch closer to me almost afraid to even move too fast.

They lift their hand to tear stained cheek, carefully wiping away the flow of tears. Caressing my cheek ever so softly.


It's funny that the one person, who I had only just met last week was the closest
thing  I have to something or someone that feels like home.

Without even uttering a word. They crash their body, embracing me. And just by that touch, all of my built up emotions begin to seep through like rapids.

I feel as my whole body goes limp, crashing my knees to ground.

But no matter what.

Jordan doesn't let me.

But continues to tighten their embrace around me. Just repeating some of the words I needed to hear the most.

" I got you sunshine... I got you"

Authors note:

Well guess who's back!!

My poor poor Stella. She's been through so much, but I'm happy to see her and Jordan connection deepen.

With all my love:

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