Chapter One

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Chapter One

"Twenty six year old female. Beaten and raped found unconscious in an empty apartment."

"Do we have a name?"

"No name or anything to who she is police did find a picture of her in the apartment every thing else was cleaned out."

"Any one know about the scar on her abdomen and lower back? It looks like she had back surgery. Right in the same spot it seems damaged. I need an x-ray her breathing in laboured get me a chest x-ray. Put her picture up over the news. She may have family or friends who know who she is. They can shed some light on her."

"I need a head CT and than some one treat her head."

"Get an x-ray of her arm. "

The doctors treated Quinn

Santana and Britney sat in their apartment waiting on their friends to come over. They were all living in New York. Except for Mercedes, Artie and Sam they lived in California. While Sam lived in Lima and taught a choir there. No one knew where Quinn was they had all tried to contact her. But had no success.

Rachel spoke to them. But after she had won the tony Award. She had A bad fall and landed on her stomach killing the baby. Blane and Kurt had been devastated as were everyone. Rachel had felt terrible. She had distanced herself from the group for a while. But was slowly coming back around again.

Every one had arrived and we're sitting down they had the tv on. But were all talking catching up on life.

"Has anyone heard form Quinn?" Sam asked

"No, Rachel said she would come. But canceled at the last minute the last I heard from Quinn was a year ago she was dating another guy. She seemed happy . "Mercedes replied

"That's not Jane Doh that's Quinn. "Brittney said pointing to the picture of Quinn on the TV.

Blane turned the tv volume up the article asked for information about Quinn only calling her Jane Doh

Mercedes called the number that was flashed on the screen.

she got up as eh talked to the police about Quinn she explained things and what she knew.

She returned to the group.

"Quinn is here in New York she is in a coma. She is at Mount Sinai." Mercedes said

"That's a few blocks from here." Blane said speaking up

They looked at each other and ran out they piled into cars

Santana drove herself. Brittney Arite, Mercedes and Sam.

They arrived at the hospital. Mercedes talked to the front desk and told her the situation. They were sent up to the ICU.

"That is our friend Quinn Fabray she has no living relatives. She is alergic to strawberries. " Sam said looking into the room to see Quinn with a tube down her throat hooked up to tubes and wires and IVs her head wrapped in a gauze bandage her left arm in a cast

Sam walked in. He sat in a chair. He picked up Quinn's hand he started rubbing it gently talking to her. As he heard the ventilation machine breaking for her and the heart monitor keeping track of her heart rhythm.

The doctor told them Quinn was in serious condition they would know more when she woke up.

They asked about back back surgery and the scar on her abdomen.

Santana told the doctor about how Quinn was in a car accident at eighteen and was paralyzed for a while. None of them knew about the abdomen scar.

They all took turns by Quinn's side.

A week passed Quinn had woken up in the night after Sam had left for the night. She awoke with no memory. Terrified of where she was. 

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