Chapter 4

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Sam walked out. "Quinn is asleep. Beth called and said she snuck to New York to see Quinn a few months ago. She said she needed to talk. I think she saw something when she came. That kid may have the key to Quinn's memory. "

"Beth is just like Quinn." Santana responded

"At ten I wouldn't sneak away that far. If she knows something we need to get to the bottom of it but I don't think right away. "Sam replied

"Have Beth move in with you. Than in time you can see what she knows." Mercedes responded

"Quinn loves that girl. She is just like Quinn she has Puck's personality too." Brittney said

as the others nodded

"When are you going?" Santana asked looking towards the bedroom Quinn was curently sleeping in.

"Tomorrow. I think Quinn should see her surgeon that fixed her back before."

"I agree we will all go." Kurt responded he had wanted to see his parents.

"How is she?" Santana asked

"Calm i gave her some of the anxiety meds the doctor proscribed. She was out of it just sobbing. She wants to remember. She was so confused about what Rachel said. She kept saying her heart knew something. but she couldn't get her mind to work. she was getting worked up and having an anxiety attack which turned into a panic attack. I have her the meds to calm her down. Quinn has nothing to be sorry about. Rachel interfered with Quinn being a mother to Beth." Sam responded

The others nodded.

"I'm going to go to bed. I'll pack in the morning." Sam said getting Quinn's wheelchair and moving it to their room. He stripped to his boxers and put on a t-shirt. He got a pair of pyjamas for Quinn he undressed her and dressed her in her pyjamas. The bruises on her body were healing. He covered her up and got into bed. Quinn awoke a few moments later

"Hi." She said to Sam

"Hi, Quinn how would you like to go back to Lima. I think it's best to see your doctor that operated in your back before."

"Do I have parents?"

"Your mom died of achohal poisoning a few years ago your dad died of diabetes he never got treatment."

Quinn nodded she moved closer to Sam resting her head on his chest. Sam moved her legs for her as she struggled. He kissed her on the lips.

"I love you Quinn."

"I love you too. Thanks for being patient with me. I want to remember my life. I want to know me. I want to know you. I want to know my friends. I want to know my life."

"we grew up in Lima Ohio mabye you will find your memories there."

"Do I have a daughter?"

"Yes. You see her often. She lives in Lima."

"Why dosnt she live with me?"

"Its complicated."

"Did Rachel have something to do with it?"

"Yes. Quinn its going to be okay."

"I trust you Sam."

Quinn moved to Sam resting her head on his chest.

They fell asleep. Sam awoke before Quinn he packed their bags. He had a shower and dressed.

Quinn awoke.

"Hey babe do you want to have a shower?"

Quinn nodded

Sam helped Quinn shower ther was a camping chair in the tub. They were using that. Quinn did most of the stuff Sam helped her wash her hair. He wrapped a towel around her and carried her to the bed he her get dressed.

"Thanks for helping me."

"I love you Quinn I would do anything to help you."

"Carry me to the car I don't want to ride in the wheelchair."

"Sure let me get things in the car."

"Sam ,Britt and I can get your things in the cab." Santana said grabbing their suit cases

"Quinn I live in Lima I'm the music teacher. "


The cab drove them to the airport.

Sam put Quinn into her wheelchair and pushed her onto the plane. He picked her up and put her in her seat. The flight attendant took Quinn's wheelchair and stored it in the back.

Quinn was nervous about going to Lima. She was afraid her memory would never return. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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