chapter 3

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Mike, Tina, Artie ,Quinn ,Rachel ,Santana ,Sam, Brittney , Kurt Blaine and Mercedes sat in Quinn's new home in New York. She had moved to New York to closer to her friends. She had saved money from working and bought a home. They had been talking and reminiscing about their high school years.

Quinn decided to question Rachel.

"Why did you tell Beth she doesn't have to listen to me?"

"Your not her mother."

"Nor are you!"

"Rachel. She is my daughter she is the one perfect thing in my life. I never wanted to give her up. I wanted to raise her. I wanted her."

"Well my mom has her and I'm her sister so I can give her advice. "

"Yes you can but not when it goes against what I have told her. Rachel you can't just insert yourself into her life. I'm her birth mother I'm going to raise my child. I'm going to be her mom. I love Beth. I know I haven't been in her life. I'm going to raise her I have talked to Shelby and we have agreed to co-parent. I'm going to have her from a few weeks and so forth. I need you to but out Rachel. Let me be a mother. "

"You need to let me be a sister. "

"No I don't what don't you get she is my child. You don't need to corrupt my child. I know you mean well I want her to follow her own dreams. I want her to forge her own path. Yes I'm going to be there talking to her. She can sing. But if she wants to pursue something else I'm going to let her. You don't need to groom her to be you. " Quinn yelled

"Thats it I'm leaving. " Rachel ssid getting up to storm out

"Oh yeah storm out. Just like you always do when you don't get your way." Quinn said smirking

"You know what Quinn I hope that Mr Shue raises Beth to forget you. "

"What are you talking about?"

"Shelby gave Beth to Mr. Shue I told her it would be best for her. "

"You had no right. That is my daughter last time I checked you don't have a child. Just leave mine alone. Just because you can't have your own."

Rachel slapped Quinn across the face

Quinn returned the slap

Santana spit them up

"I'm leaving when you want to apologize I'll be at my apartment."

"When I apologize you had my daughter shipped to Ohio. You deserve nothing." Quinn said going to lunge at Rachel as Sam and Santana held her back. Rachel left Quinn calmed down and went to call Will Schuester

She returned sobbing that she lost her daughter. That she couldn't see her unless she went to Lima.

Quinn sobbed as her friends all comforted her

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