The Hunt

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I watched as a Togruta Jedi began skydiving down towards the city. "Scan and target her", I said. I stood back as the scan commenced. Soon, the feminine voice responded. "Force-sensitive Togruta. Armed with two lightsabers. No cybernetics. Two bounties". "Two!?!" I asked. "Who has the second one?", "Ziro the Hutt, for aiding his enemy Jabba. The bounty is valued at Ten million credits, he wants her brought alive". Well that was news. This would be a bounty that even Jango Fett would've taken! I could get up to twenty million for bringing in this one girl! Excited, I prepped my jetpack and jumped, lighting it and going into the Togruta's wake. The Togruta didn't notice me behind her as I cut my Turbogear engine, preparing to chase her. A vulture droid whizzed between us, and I realized she was coming to the point of deploy, where she would need to deploy her landing protection, but she didn't. I was forced to relight my jetpack and move away from her, still watching her out of the corner of my eye, before she went behind a building. I landed on the roof of some building a few blocks away. I grabbed my B12 and launched myself from roof to roof across the city. I called up a map and noticed the red blob that represented Ahsoka running a winding route through the streets. She was going through side streets, sneaking through buildings, and doubling back when there was no reason to, stuff like that. Finally she began moving towards a new landing pad. As I went to cut her off, I noticed a small starship entering the atmosphere. I didn't think much of it at first, but then the blob representing Ahsoka stopped, and suddenly started moving in the opposite direction extremely fast. I cursed, and glanced at the ship that was now coming in for a landing. "Scan that ship" I said. A few seconds later, the scan responded,"This is an armed Stinger Starship, two frontal cannons, a ball turret, and a cockpit turret are its armaments. Passengers are ... Droid IG 88, Aurra Sing, and one unknown that matches the DNA of Zam Wessel 

AN: I thought that they should have used Zam Wessel more so that's why shes here

"Zam?" I ask. "I thought she was dead? I thought Fett killed her?", "Apparently not". I cursed. If they were here... I activated my stealth cloak, disappearing behind rays of reflective energy, and began moving toward the ship. I walked behind them until I found the weak spot in IG 88s armor. "Stop right there," I said, taking off my cloak and pointing my blaster rifle in the cords emerging from the droid's armor. I had chosen to threaten IG 88 because he was the hardest to take out in a fight. His armor was strong enough to repel blaster bolts, except in his weak spot, and he wasn't susceptible to stun blots either. "Y/N L/N, the "child prodigy" of bounty hunting," Aurra spat. "Careful, or I may involuntarily flex my finger and take down your team" I replied. Aurra growled and glanced at Zam. Too late, I fired at IG as Zam shot a pistol at me. The bolt hit my Beskar Chestplate but didn't hit my chest, yet I flinched in the tiniest movement and my bolt missed the weak spot in IGs armor as he tanked the bolt and began firing at me. I dodged upwards and lighted my jetpack, flying over all of them. I fired at Aurra. She ignited a red lightsaber and tried to block the blaster bolts, sending bolts in all directions. I quickly switched to stun, which is harder to block, and put the blasts at low power so I could fire more rounds quickly. I shot three rounds at her and she went down unconscious. Zam and IG continued firing at me as I blocked the bolts with my gauntlets and my shin guards. I knew that Aurra would wake up soon and IG 88 would be unrelenting even if I took Zam down, so I launched into the air and flew away from them as fast as I could. The last thing I heard was Aurra groaning curses as she woke up. I flew in the direction of where Ahsoka was as fast as my jetpack could carry me. 


The Mandalorian bounty hunter chasing the Togruta Jedi padawan landed on a building a block away from her location. She was on a speeder bike in the lower city, where the houses were packed together and the streets were narrow. He ran across the buildings, using his jetpack to give himself more speed as he chased after her. He had began tracking Aurra and knew she was across the city, but closing rapidly. He would need to finish this quickly. With that thought, he fired a high power blast into the street she was in.

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