it's complicated-

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Shoko was meeting haibara . Who said he needed to say something .

Shoko was a bit suspicious of haibara . But eventually gave in and went to meet him. She had a big belly comparing to a normal 5 months and 2 weeks pregnant.

Haibara was there sitting and waiting for shoko . She finally came and a light red tint appeared on his cheeks .

Ah haibara ! How are you ? Shoko asked as he helped her sit down .

I-i am fine ! How about you ? He askd nervously.

Well just as always . So what did you wanted to talk about ? She asked .

Well I wanted to say that - that- I kind of have a crush on you ! Well I am serious about it ! He says as Shoko's eyes went wide .

Eh ? She look at him confused and nervous.

Well I know you still love geto - but can we still be good friends and could I help until your baby is born , he said pointing to her belly .

Well ofcouse why not ? She smiled which melted his heart .

So I heard you will have a baby girl ? So did you buy anything yet ? He asked .

Well I didn't actually got out but I was planing to go out and buy the stuffs before I give birth but I am tired mostly. So I end up not going , she replied as she puts her hand in her dress pocket.

Well I would love to accompany you - he says as she smile and nodded .


Gojo ! Geto yelled and brust in his room .

Gojo who was talking to his gf was annoyed .
What ? Gojo asks as geto looked at him angry .

Why didn't you tell me ? He asked.

Tell you what? Gojo looked at him confused.

That shoko moved out and took a break and you all knew it ! You also know where she is ! He screams as gojo sighed.

So ? Gojo looks at him .

What do you mean by so ? I asked you atleast a 100 times where she is and I need to see her and yet you never told me that you knew ! She shouts then sits back in the chair .

Gojo was still not telling him anything . But he felt pity . I mean ofcouse geto was his bestfriend.

" Look I will tell you but only in one condition- "

What condition? Geto looks at him suspiciously.

" Well you have to tell me why you were dating Riko if you loved shoko ? "

Well it was a mission ... to protect her - and she says if I don't date her she would mess everything up , he says as he sighed. 

" Thats it ? "

No ! She also said that if I don't date her she would probably do something to my sho- thats why I decided to distance myself with sho ... and pretend date her - , he says as he looked down .

You should've told me earlier.... well now atleast if she comes to me I would know not to go close to her . Because I love my Hime , she shamelessly laughs .

Saturo please tell me where sho is - he begged .

Well she is in - *Phone rings*

Wait a minute! He smiles as he picked the call up .


Hello hime ?


Saturo - she whispered his name as she started to cry .

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