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Geto got out of the car as gojo was waiting for him . Gojo saw him and his eyes were wide . He called the doctors and nurses to help them .

The nurses were talking about how their conditions were no good and geto heard them and felt angry .

The doctors came out and told them that the babies heartbeat is low . But they put her in life support to help her survive.

And shoko ---

Well she is still unconscious . And the doctors are trying to heal her body after a exhausting birth . Well ofcouse firstly she had a difficult pregnancy then she had a early child birth .

Geto was sitting in front of the room shoko was admitted in . He was looking down and he covered his face with his palm .

Gojo was sitting next to him . And utahime took a early leave from the hospital to see shoko . And nanami came . He was also getting checked up .

Geto - gojo called him as he looked up .
" The doctors - " , he says as he point to the doctors .

Geto quickly got up as he went up to them .

The doctors handed him the baby .
" congratulations Geto - san your daughter is safe ! " , she says with a smile .

He took his daughter in his arms . She was so tiny compared to his hand .

Then he looked at the doctor and asked , " how is shoko ? " .

The doctor smiled " well she is doing fine now . But she will need further check up " .
"But there is another problem - " , she said as he looked at them scared.

What's the problem ? He asked .

" Well she might suffer from some health problems- but we can not be sure until she is awake "

Geto looked down again and nodded .

He looked at his daughter and smiled . " hello my little angel - I am happy that you made it . I know your strong . " . " I am going to name you kaori , do you like your name ? "

The baby name a little noise probably saying yes .

Geto put his forehead on the babies and closed his eyes feeling great that his baby is safe .

Gojo smiled seeing his friend . " can we meet her ? " he asks as geto looked at him and handed kaori to gojo .

" Hello kaori I am your uncle . And I will protect you no matter what - "

Utahime carried her and kissed her on the cheek and almost cried about how cute she was .

Their families couldn't come because of something . But they called geto to see their new family member.


Shoko woke up but ........
Where am I ? She looked around.

Hello shoko-san are you feeling okay now ? The doctor asks .

Hmm , but who are you ? She asks .

Oh you don't remember me ? He asks .

No - she shook her head .

Well I am Yuri- your colleague.....

Oh - what am I doing here ? She asks again .

Don't you remember anything ? Yuri asks her .

Shoko nods . " Well I remember a bit . Like my frie d and family but I don't remember what happened- "

" Well you gave birth to a baby girl - and she is doing fine right now . And since she was born premature you fainted and your body was getting weak - " , she reminded.

" Ohh - I remember now , wait I also got hit in the head by someone but I don't remember their face . " , then she realized something , " wait I gave birth to a baby girl who is alive and safe ? "

Yes - Yuri nodded her head . " I will call geto san to get kaori here - "

The doctor rushed outside to get geto .

Uhm geto-san ! The doctor called him as he looked at her .

Shoko-San is awake... she would like to see you and the baby - , she says as she took him there .

She opens the door and let him in with the baby and closed the door .

Shoko had tubes going through her body which is giving her blood . And she looked at geto and gave him a weak smile .

Geto walked up to her and handed kaori to her .

Are you feeling okey ? He asks her as she nodded. 

Isn't she cute with your hair ? She asks as geto smiled at Shoko's cute reaction.

I hope she will have your eyes - geto comments as shoko chuckled a bit .

" Sho- " , he says as he pulled her hand a bit .

What - what's wrong? He looked at him .

I thought I was going to lose you two - kaori wasn't breathing- and you were losing a lots of blood . When I went there I saw you unconscious and naoya carrying our baby . He told me that kaori was - dead , he says as his voice cracked.
And do you know he had the audacity to call you weak after you gave birth to our beautiful baby prematurely.

Shoko looked at him. With sorrowful eyes .

" Sho - I am sorry that I left you that time - "

" You needed to save the other and utahime ! So it is fine ! , she calmed him down as she told him to sit beside her .

Kaori you are strong - and we always will love you - geto says as he kissed kaoris head then shoko on the lips .

Shoko blushed a bit but then she asks " Suguru- would you love kaori if she didn't have special curse energy- "

Geto looked at her confused " why are you asking this suddenly? "

" no reason just answer- "

" Ofcouse I will love her no matter what - " , she replied as shoko sighed in relief.

I love you - shoko confess as geto smiles and replied " I love you too "

Was short but yk I am busy rn

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