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Y/n woke up early in the morning to the beautiful scene of Seoul coming to life. The sun slowly rose, casting a warm golden glow over the city.  Putting on her favorite dress, she rushed downstairs to find her parents already waiting for her at the breakfast table.

Y/f- Good morning, Y/n,

Her father greeted with a smile. 

Y/f- Are you ready for your birthday celebration this year?

Her eyes lit up with joy. 

Y/n- I can't believe it's finally here! What are we going to do this year.

Her mother chimed in.

Y/m- Well, your grandpa Kim has asked us to celebrate your birthday at his farmhouse. He thought it would be a perfect way to enjoy the beautiful countryside. So you pack your stuff, we'll be going tomorrow. I've already informed Hoseok.

She said to Y/n as her eyes widen at her mother's words.

Y/n- Why are we celebrating my birthday at Kim's Farmhouse, and why are we going 2 days prior.

She asked confused by the sudden plans.

Y/f- Y/n, it's your Grandpa Kim that suggested and you know we can't turn him down.

Y/n- But  I'll have to face that jerk for 3 days straight.

Y/m- His name is Taehyung, and you'll have to face him for life.

She uttered the last words silently that Y/n didn't hear.

Y/n- Whatever, I'll just go and pack.

Y/m- Do you need any help, I'll call Taehyung.

Y/n- Mom!!

She whined at her mother's words. 

Y/n- Instead of helping, he'll turn my room upside down.

She muttered under her breath going towards her room.

Y/f- I wonder what will be her reaction.

Y/m- Definitely an explosive one.


Y/n was sitting in a cafe along with her bestfriend Ana. She was here to ask Ana to tag along with her.

Y/n- You're coming with me.

She dead planned as Ana looked at her with puppy eyes.

Ana- I wish I could but it's important for me to accompany my Mom.

Y/n- Can't you guys postponed your outing or whatever it is.

She said as Ana looked at her helplessly.

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