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After a day spent exploring the island, Taehyung and Y/n found themselves in the privacy of their luxurious honeymoon suite. The room was adorned with rose petals and candlelight, teasing the prospect of a night filled with passion and tension.

Feeling a surge of desire, Taehyung wrapped his arms around Y/n from behind, pulling her in close. His lips found the delicate skin on her neck, planting soft, wet kisses that sent shivers down her spine. The intimacy of the moment filled the room, enveloping them in a cocoon of undeniable affection.

Y/n gasped for breath as Taehyung's lips pressed firmly against hers. His kiss was fierce and passionate, leaving her feeling weak and breathless. The room was filled with a magnetic tension, drawing them closer together with each passing moment. A soft moan escaped Y/n's lips, muffled by the intensity of their connection. Taehyung felt a surge of need coursing through him, a fierce desire to explore her every inch.

As their lips parted, Taehyung held Y/n's face in his hands, his deep brown eyes locking onto hers. His voice, filled with desire, was barely above a whisper as he spoke. 

Taehyung- Y/n, I can't help but lose myself when I'm with you. Your presence, your touch, everything about you drives me wild.

Y/n's heart raced at his words, mirroring the intensity of the moment. She reached out, running her fingers through Taehyung's soft, tousled hair, feeling intoxicated by the connection they shared. His lips brushed against her ear.

With each biting kiss on her earlobes, Y/n's grip on Taehyung tightened. She could feel the intensity radiating from him, matching the passion that burned within her. They existed in a world of their own, where time stood still and nothing else mattered.

Taehyung- Tonight, my love, I want to show you just how much you mean to me.

Y/n turned to face him, her eyes filled with love and desire. 

Y/n- I want that too, Taehyung. This night is ours.

Gently, Taehyung carried Y/n in his arms, their bodies molded together, as he made his way to the comfortable bed. He laid her down gently, his eyes reflecting his love and admiration for her. Hovering above her, he found himself captivated by her every breath, his heart beating in sync with the rhythm of their passion.

Taehyung's lips brushed against Y/n's neck, planting delicate kisses that sent waves of pleasure through her body. The warmth of his breath mingled with the softness of her skin, creating an electrifying sensation. As he nibbled gently, leaving marks of their affection, Y/n let out a quiet gasp, surrendering herself to the moment, granting him access to the sensitive skin that begged for his touch.

Y/n's hands traced the contours of Taehyung's neck, sending jolts of electricity through his body. His grip on her waist tightened ever so slightly, silently conveying his yearning for her.

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