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Few days later,

Irene sat on the edge of her bathtub, holding the white stick in her trembling hands. The minutes felt like hours as Irene stared at the test, her hands trembling involuntarily. Finally, the faintest of lines began to materialize, and her heart skipped a beat. It was positive! Tears of joy welled up in her eyes, and a radiant smile spread across her face.

Irene knew she had to share the news with Jin. She hastily dialed his number and impatiently waited for him to pick up.

Jin- Hey, babe. What's up?

He asked, oblivious to the eagerness in Irene's voice.

Irene- Jin, I need you to come home early today.

She blurted out, barely able to contain her excitement. There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line. Irene could almost imagine Jin's puzzled expression through the phone.

Jin- Is everything okay?

He finally replied, his voice filled with concern.

Irene- I have something important to tell you.

She said, mustering all her courage. Jin sighed audibly. 

Jin- Alright, I'll leave work early. 

A mixture of relief and anticipation washed over Irene as she hung up the phone. She quickly rummaged through her closet, finding the most comfortable and loose-fitting outfit she could find to accommodate her growing belly. It was only the beginning, but she already felt a profound connection to the tiny life growing inside her.


Finally, the sound of Jin's car pulling into the driveway sent a surge of adrenaline through Irene's veins. She rushed to the front door, barely pausing to take a breath.

Jin walked through the door, his eyes scanning the room until they landed on Irene. Concern creased his forehead as he noticed the nervousness etched across her face.

Jin- What's going on, Irene?

He asked, his voice gentle and reassuring. Irene took a deep breath, her hand instinctively resting on her still-flat stomach. 

Irene- Jin, I took a pregnancy test today.

She began, her voice barely above a whisper. Jin's eyes widened in surprise, his fatigue instantly replaced by a mix of shock and wonder. 

Jin- Are you serious?

Irene nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. 

Irene- Yes, Jin. We're going to have a baby.

Jin's face broke into a wide grin, and he stepped forward to wrap Irene in a tight embrace. 

Jin- That's amazing, Irene! I can't believe it!

Relief flooded over Irene as Jin's arms enveloped her. She had worried for nothing. Jin's genuine excitement and joy reassured her that they were in this together.


The Kims welcomed everyone into their cozy living room, adorned with warm lights and subtle decorations. A sweet aroma of freshly brewed tea filled the air. Seated on the plush couches, the group couldn't wait to hear what Jin and Irene had to share.

Jin took a deep breath and looked at Irene with a loving smile. 

Jin- Everyone, we have something incredibly special to share with you today.

Their parents leaned forward, their eyes bright with anticipation. Grandpa sat back, a mischievous glint in his eyes, while Taehyung and Y/n exchanged curious glances. The room was filled with anticipation, waiting for Jin and Irene to fill in the gaps.

Irene took Jin's hand and smiled at him. 

Irene- Yes, we do. We're going to be parents.

There was a collective gasp followed by a delighted chorus of congratulations. The room instantly filled with laughter and joyful chatter.

Mrs. Kim approached him with tears of happiness streaming down her face. 

T/m- Oh, Jin! I can't believe I'm going to be a grandmother! This is the best news!

Mrs. Kim, with tears of happiness in her eyes, hugged Irene tightly. 

T/m- My dear, you're going to be an amazing mother.

Mr. Kim patted Jin's back proudly. 

T/f- Son, your journey into fatherhood will be an amazing adventure. I'm thrilled to be a grandfather.

Grandpa, couldn't hide his delight. 

G/Kim- Ahh, I've been waiting to hear this news for a long time. Congratulations, my dear ones!

He exclaimed, as he hugged Jin and Irene tightly. As the excitement settled, Taehyung's mischievous smile appeared. 

Taehyung- Well, well, well, Hyung and Noona, that's fantastic news!

Y/n- Omg, I can't wait to play with my little niece or nephew.

She said with a wide grin.

T/m- Now, Taehyung and Y/n, when are we going to hear some good news from you two?

She exclaimed. Taehyung blushed, his ears turning a shade of pink, while Y/n chuckled softly. 

Y/n- I suppose you'll have to wait and see.

She replied playfully, nudging Taehyung with an elbow. The room erupted in laughter, relieving the tension momentarily. However, the teasing didn't end there.

Mrs. Kim chimed in, a mischievous glint in her eyes. 

T/m- Well, if you need any tips or advice, Jin and Irene will be more than happy to help. Just imagine how cute your children would be, Taehyung!

Taehyung's cheeks turned an even deeper shade of red, and he nervously scratched the back of his neck. Y/n couldn't help but join in the playful banter, laughing along with everyone else.



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