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Mr. and Mrs. Kim, sat down at the breakfast table, sipping their coffee, and discussing their plans for the upcoming weekend.

Mr. Kim, with a smile on his face, said.

T/f- Honey, I was thinking, why don't we plan an outing to the beach this weekend?

Mrs. Kim's eyes lit up with excitement.

T/m- That sounds like a fantastic idea! It's been too long since we last visited the beach. And I know everyone will absolutely love it!

T/f- Let's discuss it with the Jung's too. We'll all go together.

T/m- That's perfect.


Mr. and Mrs. Kim gathered the family in the living room to discuss their exciting beach trip. They had their hearts set on spending quality time together.

T/f- Kids, we have some wonderful news! We've decided to go on a family outing to the beach.

Mr. Kim exclaimed, sporting a wide grin.

Irene- That's great Mom, I'm looking forward to it.

Jin- Yeah.

G/kim- Okay then we'll all go together. It's done.


Both Taehyung and Y/n families decided to arrange an outing for all of them on Sunday. Taehyung's parents were very excited since it's been so long that both families have spent time together.

Y/n's parents, her brother Hoseok, and their close friends Ana and Jimin were equally excited for the day ahead. 

As they arrived at the beach, the families spread out their colorful beach towels and set up umbrellas to shield themselves from the scorching sun. 

As Y/n was sitting beside her mother, Mrs. Jung silently whispered to her,

Y/m- Are you two getting along?

She said eyeing Y/n and Taehyung. Y/n stared at her mother in disbelief hearing her question. Y/n glanced sideways at Taehyung, who was barely managing to hide his smirk. She sighed deeply before turning back to her mother.

Y/n- But Mom, he's always pranking me, calling me names, and causing trouble!

Y/m- That may be true.

She acknowledged.

Y/m- But remember, it takes two to tango. Maybe if you show some kindness and understanding, he'll start to see you differently too.

Taehyung couldn't help but interject.

Taehyung- Maybe you'll discover that I'm not so bad after all.

He whispered near Y/n's ear she silently stared him. Soon Jin's voice caught everyone's attention.

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