Chapter 7: Research into love, but not really

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When they finally pulled away from each other, the pair were both a shade of red that they hadn’t been before.

”Are you still upset?” Tom purred in his silky voice

”A little,” Harry still seemed a little dazed from everything that had happened in the past few minutes. Beginning to feel protective over Evans brought him in for another hug,

§Mine§ he whispered into Harry’s forehead. He wasn’t, however prepared for Harry to reply.

§Yes, yours§

Harry buried his face in the taller boy’s chest, Tom’s eyes widened in mild shock.

§You speak the serpent tongue, darling?§ He laughed when Harry blushed at the nickname. Maybe he could use another person in his plan, an equal. Because that was what Harry was to him, his equal, his.

§Yes I do§

Yes, this could work.

* (Harry POV)

Tom managed to drag him down the the big Halloween feast. He wasn’t sure what was going on between them, but he wasn’t scared to say that he liked it.

When they got to The Great Hall, Tom kept his hand wrapped tightly around Harry’s wrist, guiding him. It was very sweet and it made Harry wonder how such a person could end up killing so many people.

Dumbledore’s eyes were on them the moment they entered the hall. Well, not them collectively, specifically Tom. However considering his hand around Harry’s wrist, he was, by extension, looking at Harry.

When they sat down across from each other, Harry asked

”Why does Dumbledore stare at you so much?”

“He thinks I’m evil,” he took a bite of mashed potatoes, “or something like that,”

Harry couldn’t understand for the life of him why Dumbledore didn’t like Tom. He hadn’t become Voldemort yet, and there was no way for him to tell.

He might start looking into the younger old man a bit more. Something just didn't seem right about him, and it was not something to do with the twinkle in his eye. Though he would have to put that aside for now. He still had other things he needed to do.


Time turner sand. Harry needed to get his hands on a time turner, to extract the sand.

He was already gaining a large length of parchment in his research. It always seemed to come back to the sand, even old time-rituals used it, in larger amounts, before time Turner's were created.

On top of that, Harry was also trying to keep up his relationship with Tom. However, he did seem to enjoy watching Harry was in their dorm, pouring over books that Tom had gotten for him. He would never tell Harry where he’d gotten them, Harry was slightly suspicious he may have gotten them off of his knights (an early version of the death eaters).

Tom was insistent that Harry should be a formal member of the knights, but Harry wasn’t comfortable joining the group that would strike fear into every which or wizard one day.

He walked downstairs into the common room, maybe Tom would be able to get his hands on a time turner.


“Yes, sweetheart?” It was no secret in the Slytherin common room that Tom was smitten with Harry

“Well, I was wondering if you knew where I could get a time turner?”

“I’ll see what I can do, you know I love it when you get all involved in your research,”

Tom gave Harry a kiss on the cheek and Walburga Black awhed at the couple. She was actually quite nice before she got betrothed to Orion. Who wouldn’t be upset that they had to marry their cousin?

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