Chapter 8: Everyone is conflicted

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Tom was conflicted. Harry had been acting a bit odd, he had been trying to get his hands on a time turner for him - however, something was telling Tom to figure out why the raven wanted a time turner. Not everyone had access to something as rare and dangerous.  Luckily for him, there was a sixth year whose father worked in The Department of Mysteries and he also happened to owe Tom a favour.

He cornered the boy in a random hallway somewhere in the dungeons,


"I will be collecting that favour from you now," The teen's face paled "Your  father works in the Department of Mysteries, correct?"


"So he would have access to a time turner?"

"I suppose, he doesn't talk about work much, but I might have seen him with one before,"

"Good, get it for me."

"B-bu-" he seemed winded as if he was being asked to jump off the astronomy tower. That would've been funny to watch, but Tom does these things to get things, not for amusement.

"There will be no buts, you have until the new year." And then he left, the teen was obviously regretting whatever he owed Tom for. Probably something stupid and juvenile.


Later on, in the common room, Tom told Harry the news whilst they both read on a sofa beside the fireplace. Harry was resting against Tom, it was a very cute scene.

"You will hopefully be able to get that time turner by January, love,"

"Really? Thanks, Tommykins," Tom scowled at the nickname, but quickly got over it as he went back to the conversation,

"If I may, why do you want a time turner anyway? I thought you were studying the future,"

* (Harry POV)

He stiffened. How was he supposed to explain this to Tom without mentioning the fact that he's from 50 years in the future and is trying to get back there?

"Well, I -uhm- wanted to test a theory and travel into the future,"

"But not too far? I wouldn't want to have to wait for you to turn up again if you couldn't get back," Harry smiled at Tom,

"Yes, not too far,"


"And you'll make sure you have a way to get back if you go too far?"

"Of course,"



Harry spoke in a shaky voice, "Promise,"



Harry was conflicted. Tom seemed tamer with him around, what if Harry Evans' disappearance would be what caused him to lose his mind?

But then again, how do you go about telling the man you're slowly falling in love with that you're from the future and he would go on in life to kill your parents and try to kill you?

However, something was telling the raven that he should tell Tom the truth. But first, he would just have to make sure that his theory worked.

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