Chapter 24: [Insert funny chapter title about Sirius]

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I can't even remember tbh
I know the whole thing with them going to Grimmauld early happens - and of course Tom is there because it wouldn't be the same without our guy
Sirius finds out

Ron tagged along, reasonably shaken by the seriousness that the professor was treating the situation with, which he had previously considered a dream. Harry wanted to run, to get Aurors or something to go save Mr Weasley. But he knew that Dumbledore would be the only one who would believe him.

The thought occurred o him that Tom might’ve also gotten a vision, it was something to do with the volde-clone,  that was for sure. It would be harder to explain to Dumbledore that it wasn’t just Harry who had an odd connection to the clone.

Of course, Harry’s connection was different, but he doesn’t know that yet so he’ll ignore that entirely.

When they arrived at the headmaster's office, Harry quickly began to explain his dream/vision:

“It was a corridor, with a door, it was cold, and then a massive snake came out of nowhere and bit him!”

“And where were you in this vision? Were you an onlooker or??” He seemed to be implying that he knew Harry had been the snake, but if he already knew he wasn’t lying, why hadn’t he called someone to find Mr Weasley yet!? The man was bleeding out somewhere for merlin’s sake, and they were wasting time with questions!

“Onlooker! Now send someone to go find him!”

Dumbledore sent off a Patronus with the message, asking Kingsley, an Auror who Harry remembered as a member of the order, to go get Arthur.

Significantly calmer, Harry relaxed, only to be swiftly put at unease when Snape came marching into the room. The professor eyed his audience carefully before stepping aside to reveal a rather panicked Tom who, ignoring everyone else, proceeded to stride over to Harry and announce rather loudly,

“I thought we were going on a walk today.” it was as simple as that, he spoke about his worry when he didn’t see Harry at all, and how his concern was elevated when he didn’t turn up to go on their evening walk.

“OH SHI– DEAR, sorry Tom, I know you wanted that book on wizard’s traits and their passage through generations but, well, stuff has gone down,”

“MY DAD’S BEEN BIT BY A MASSIVE FUCKING SNAKE!” Ron was crying a little bit, but he was still Ron. Looking over at the other Weasley children who had joined them in the room, Harry noticed that Ginny was bawling, Fred was standing in a state of kenopsia and George would have indeed been the same if he was not trying to soothe his younger sister.

The noise of the floo going off was a welcome wake-up for all of the children in the room. Because they weren’t teenagers, they were children simply putting up a terrible mirage of adulthood. They were children and some of them could lose their father that night.

It turned out to be Mrs Weasley coming through the floo, accompanied closely by Bill and Charlie. Mrs Weasley’s eyes were red and puffy and her sons were carrying a sombre mood about with them.

“He’s been taken to Saint Mungo’s,” she choked, seeing her like this made Harry think about the adults around him, they were children once too. They were children in love, children with friends, with hopes, with dreams and now they were grown and they were all of this still. Mrs Weasley loved her husband, that much was clear.

“So he’s alive,” Ron’s cries strengthened but were tears of joy this time.

Harry and Tom felt like outsiders to the weeping family, they wouldn’t get it, and no matter what they would never understand the fear experienced by the red-headed family in this moment. That was what Ron would say, a couple of years later and angry. But for now, Harry tied his best to be a comfort and Tom awkwardly repeated what Harry said and gave Fred a very hesitant hug.

“You’ll all be coming straight back to Grimmauld of course, while we await news–” she bit her lip, fear evident in the way her hands shook “You two too dears, you’ve been so lovely to us,”

So before anyone could say otherwise, they would all be carted back to Grimmauld Place where the older Weasley’s gathered in the kitchen, anxiously awaiting news, any news would suffice, as long as they wouldn’t have to deal with all the scenarios going through their minds, and a strangely awake Sirius shunted Ron, Ginny, Harry and Tom up to bed.

“The other bedrooms haven’t been cleaned out yet and I expect the others will want a nap later, so two of you are gonna have to top n’ tail,” Tom and Harry glanced at Ron who had already buried himself in his duvet,

“I think it’ll be us,” Harry said, moving a pillow to the bottom of his bed.

“Yeah I think that’s what’s best,” Sirius said, turning out the light as he left.

They left the pillow to get cold at the foot of the bed and curled up next to each other, it had been an exhausting hour for the both of them.

* Meanwhile in the Slytherin 5th years dorm room

Draco knew he should be concerned that another kid got out of bed in the middle of the night covered in a disgusting amount of sweat and moving around without a care for his classmates but, it was the middle of the night, that’s someone else’s problem.

* Sirius POV

“Don’t worry Mols’ I’ll bring their trunks up, you just stay here with a nice cup of tea, it’d do good for the lot of you,”

Sirius brought the Trunks upstairs all at once, using a borrowed wand to float them all up behind him, after locating which ones were the boys', he crept into the room, praying he wouldn’t wake them.

He put the trunks at the foot of Harry’s bed, he still lacked a lot of strength due to his prolonged vacation in Azkaban. Checking up on them, he noticed Harry and Tom holding each other so incredibly close and had one thought

‘Oh fuck I’m gonna have to talk to him about this aren’t I?’

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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