15. Revenge of the Spider Queen (part 2)

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Meanwhile somewhere at a nearby small festival, a customer was angrily talking to the person who made a spicy food.
Customer: "Your food might have permanently damaged my tastebuds! Why would you ever sell anything this hot!!?!"
He rings the bell so many times but immediately stops as his hand was grabbed by none other than Red Son.
Red Son: "Hoho.... Dear customer, the spice level was no mistake. I, Red Son have devised the perfect culinary experience."
He then pulls the menu.
Red Son: "If you direct your attention down at this chart here. It clearly ranks the spice level from very hot to inferno....! You've ordered very hot. So..."
Customer: "But it's the lowest one!"
The customer and Red Son begin to argue unaware the chaos happening outside.
Red Son: "Oh! So I guess I meant to make barbecue for peasants! With little unworthy, disappointing tastebuds that shame their fathers....! Is that it!? Huh!?!"
Customer: "Look I want to speak to the manager...!"
Red Son calms down and shows him the manager which is Demon Bull King.
Red Son: "Fine, fine... it's your funeral."
Customer: "I-I actually didn't need tastebuds anyway. So thank you for your service and have a prosperous and fulfilling new year...!"
And with that the customer runs away.
Red Son: "-Sigh-.... Father you can't just scare away every customer that complains. This is are chance of something grace..."
Demon Bull King: "Grace!? I am the Demon Bull King! What would you have me be....? The king of street food!"
Red Son: "Well.... Yes, um I-I mean after your recent humiliating defeat. I thought of a fresh start was exactly what we needed. Just you and me working together, father and son! No evil plans, no... talking bones."
Now that somehow upsets the mighty bull.
Red Son: "Hehe.... Sorry, fresh wound."
Demon Bull King: "ENOUGH!!! I may have failed as a conqueror.... But I will not be made of fool!"
Then their tent was destroyed.
Red Son: "Gah...! Um... father...?"
And before they knew it, the webs captured the Demon Bull King and takes him inside.
Red Son: "Father!?!"
Then the mechanical spider appeared and attacked Red Son, he starts fighting with till he destroys it and somehow got his venom.
Red Son: "Huh?"
"Red Son look out!!" yells MK as she destroys the spider that was about to attack him from behind. She then falls to the ground again.
Red Son: "Wha!? Firefly what are you doing here!?"
MK: "Firefly...? Ugh, whatever.... I'm trying to run away from the Spider Queen she knows I have arachnophobia."
Just then Red Son grabs her and pulls the sheet revealing a flying jet. He puts MK in the front as he sits.
Red Son: "Sorry father, I will come back! Hold on tight Firefly!"
MK hugs them as they began to fly away. With the Demon Bull King, he opens his eyes to sees that he's in some kind of cellar. And was all tight up.
Demon Bull King: "What!?"
He then starts screaming.
Demon Bull King: "What is this!? Who dares....!?!"
Then Spider Queen appears and starts laughing at him while hanging.
Spider Queen: "Why me of course."
Demon Bull King: "Grr.... I have truly fallen if one such as you can be best me.... the would-be queen of spiders..."
Spider Queen: "Ain't nothing would be about it. I am the Spider Queen. And you, nothing battery for my mech. Look around handsome..."
He sees so many demons were captured by her.
Spider Queen: "You not the only prize I snapped up. Everyone of them is just dying to give me their power...."
Demon Bull King: "Gah.... Princess Iron Fan...!?"
Spider Queen: "Aw... don't worry, haven't found your wifey. Yet.... I did manage to track down an old friend of yours."
She shows Monkey King who was all tied up.
Monkey King: "Sup Bull King, you too huh?"
Demon Bull King: "MONKEY KING!!!?!"
Then Syntax and Huntsman appeared.
Syntax: "My queen, I have news regarding Red-."
Huntsman: "-Ahem-.... My queen, I have news regarding Red Son and your future daughter MK."
Demon Bull King: "Grr, useless offspring. And don't you dare harm my future daughter-in-law!!"
Spider Queen: "Mhm... go one?"
Huntsman: "They actually... -sigh-, got away."
Spider Queen sneers at this while Demon Bull King's eyes sparkled.
Demon Bull King: "I didn't doubt him for a second! You will never catch him! HAHA!!"
Spider Queen: "Find him! Now!"
Huntsman: "Yes, my queen...!"
Syntax closes the door. "My queen. What if the Monkey King's protégé? Perhaps, she should join as well." Said miss mystery as Monkey King growls at her.
Spider Queen: "Yeah, and my future daughter too! I can't have these problematic children running around causing me problems!"
Back with the gang, Sandy was trying his best to start up the boat.
Tang: "Let's go, let's go, let's go!!"
Mei: "What about MK!?"
Pigsy: "The kid's with Monkey King! He's safer than anyone."
Rin: "Oh yeah! Then what about us!?"
Raya: "And mom and aunty! We can't just leave them!"
Rin: "Mom will be fine; she went with aunty to the white mountains to see the stars."
"Um... has anyone seen Jinzi?" said Mei with a worried expression, Jinzi didn't appeared to the group and starts panicking. Sandy tries to start the ship.
Tang: "Try turning us into spiders when we're in the middle of the o-."
They then see so many mechanical spiders.
Tang: "Cean...?"
Just then the ship stopped working.
Mei: "Uh... Sandy? We gotta get going, soon?"
"Come old girl! Don't do this to me!?" said Sandy then the controls were on fire. He pulls out the fire extinguisher.
Sandy: "I don't usually have this problem....! Hehe, honest..."
Tang: "We're all gonna die."
"TANG!!!" shouts the twins as they hugged each other.
With Red Son and MK, they were still flying away from the giant mech. Syntax manages to find them.
Syntax: "Target acquired."
Spider Queen: "Make sure my future daughter is still intact. I need her as my heir."
Syntax: "Yes my queen."
He shoots the missiles at them. Red Son sees the detector warning and dodges the missiles, MK holds on to him tighter.
Red Son: "Are you alright Firefly?"
MK: "Y-yeah.... -Gasp-! Look out!"
A missile almost hit them if MK didn't see it. Syntax growls that he failed to capture them, this made Spider Queen furious. Back with the gang. "Now, now my pets..." said Huntsmen who appears from the shadows.
Huntsmen: "Be patient...! Daddy is gonna have his fun...!"
The four humans hugged Pigsy tightly.
Mei: "Uh.... Sandy...!?"
Pigsy: "Get us outta here!!!"
Sandy: "Uh... working on it!!"
Sandy goes back inside and started searching for something, he looks at his cupboard and starts throwing things.
Huntsmen: "But for us, it's not so bad.... If you go quietly? The transition will be almost painless....!"
Pigsy pulls out his pan and Mei pulls out his sword while Rin pulls out his charms. While Tang and Raya were hugging and hiding beneath.
Pigsy: "We can handle one of her lackeys!"
Just then Strong Spider appears.​
Pigsy: "Two of her lackeys!? Oh boy....!"
Huntsmen and Strong Spider were about to attack when all of a sudden they hear a motorcycle sound.... It was Jinzi. The golden dragon zooms and crashes his bike at the two spider lackeys and jumps at the boat.
Jinzi: "Sorry I'm late you guys!"
Rin: "Jinzi! You're okay, I thought you've been turn into those gross spider thingy's! There everywhere...! I can still feel them crawling all over me....!"
Pigsy: "Kid! Focus!"
Rin: "Working on it!"
Huntsmen: "We found the Monkie Kid's friends. Exactly where you said they'd be."
Jinzi: "Oh no...."
Pigsy: "Sandy! It's now or never old buddy!"
Sandy found what he was looking for. It was a cat remote; he meets with the gang.
Sandy: "Found it!"
He presses which made cat noise.
Mei: "Uh Sandy....?"
Sandy: "Give it a minute!"
That was when a huge explosion was heard. A red drone appears and flies towards them.
Huntsmen: "They can't escape!!"
Sandy: "Come on!"
Sandy grabs everyone and jumps on the drone. Huntsmen in the other hand tosses a tracking beacon which is now attached to the drone.
Sandy: "So.... What'd you guys think? Been saving her for the rainy day."
Mei: "Real cool Sandy. It's awesome for taking in.... horrifying distance...."
"Spider Queen captured Monkey King." Said Jinzi with a serious look.
Raya: "That can't be true! W-what about MK!?!"
Jinzi: "I don't know, one thing I know is she got him. Not only that she has taken in all other demons who are either weak or strong."
Rin: "Now what are we gonna do!?"
Mei: "It's okay Rin, we got this. We can beat her-."
Rin: "She beat the Monkey King Mei! And we don't know where MK is!! We don't got this!"
Rin realised that he snapped at Mei and really regretted.
Rin: "I'm sorry I just.... I'm scared..."
Jinzi and Pigsy taps on his shoulder.
Pigsy: "Kid, we too are scared. Not really."
Mei: "But we're going to figure this out."
Tang: "Together."
Raya: "They're right Rin. And I will be with you no matter how dangerous this journey may be."
Sandy: "That's right little man. Just as soon as we deal WITH THAT!!!"
That's when they see Red Son's jet. He screams.
Tang: "INCOMING!!!"
Sandy goes in front and stops the jet with his strength. He grabs Red Son on the face while MK was on the ground.
Jinzi: "Red Son!?!"
Twins: "MK!!"
Sandy let's go of Red Son while the twins go to MK and check on her.
Rin: "MK are you alright!?!"
MK: "Groan, I'll live if that's what you mean?"
The twins hugged her and she hugs them back. With Red Son however.... "Get em!" yells Mei as she and the group attack him.
MK: "No guys wait-."
Red Son: "Get off me you filthy peasants!!!"
Rin: "What are you doing here Red Son?!"
Mei: "Yeah, spill! You one of the Spider Queen's henchmen now huh?"
MK: "No Mei! Red Son saved me from Spider Queen after Monkey King and Demon Bull King was captured by her!"
Gang: "WHAT!?!"
Red Son: "Henchmen!? GAHAAAA!!!"
Red Son pushes them away.
Red Son: "Not that any of you would care... except for Firefly. But my father was captured by that eight-legged freak! So if you'll excuse me, I just steal this ship and Firefly and be on my way."
MK: "Wait what? That's not."
Red Son: "Ugh! Fine, will you let me steal your ship so I can go save my father and also the world! From this spider menace. Please...."
They then began to argue with him.
Red Son: "Well I can't use mine! It's busted! But one thing I do have... is this."
He shows them the venom.
Red Son: "Spider Queen's venom. It's turned everyone into her slaves, but I can make an antidote. However, I'll need supplies. And the only place to get them is...."
He points up.
Rin: "Uh... space?"
Tang then starts to fanboy.
Tang: "The Celestial Realm!?! The realm of heavenly deities and immortal beings!!?"
Red Son: "Sure...."
MK: "So if you get to the Celestial Realm. You can fix all of this?"
Pigsy: "Kid! Your not really considering this are you?"
MK: "Well...."
"WHAT!?!?" yells Mei, Jinzi and Pigsy.
Mei: "MK, are you​serious!? It's Red uh... boy!"
Pigsy: "He's literally a demon!"
Jinzi: "Not to mention that guy kissed you when he was trying to retrieve the key!"
Pigsy: "He what!?"
Red Son: "Ho! Pretty rich coming from a pig man and blue thing!"
MK thought for moment.... Her mind was then made up.
MK: "Let's help him."
Gang: "Huh!?!"
MK: "What other choice do we have!? Look, the Spider Queen won't see this coming. It's the best plan we've got. So I say, let's help a demon gather supplies from the Celestial Realm."
They then agreed. Four minutes later, Red Son draws some kind of ancient seal that will allow him and the others to reach the Celestial Real.
Tang: "So... how exactly does this work?"
Red Son: "Ugh, if I tried to explain mystical inter-dimensional travel to a bunch of peasants...! It'll melt your brains."
MK: "Besides, we don't have any other option. We have to trust him."
Red Son: "Great speech Firefly. Super motivational."
He then turns around and takes a deep breath and activates the portal. "Uh, we are sure mortals can travel through the Celestial Realm?" asked Tang while the others hid behind his broken jet.
Red Son: "Of course they can!!"
Pigsy: "Safely?"
Red Son: "Sure.... Probably."
"PROBABLY!!?!" yells the gang, they then entered the portal with high speed. Red Son holds MK by the waist while Jinzi holds the twins tight. "I did say it'll melt your brains." Said Red Son as he points the fire on Sandy's hair which Raya water spell to remove it. Then Sandy gasped and pointed to where they are.... They were at the Celestial Realm at last.

Lego Monkie Kid (Female MK)Where stories live. Discover now