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Third person

   The fancy chandelier did its job beautifully, illuminating down on the room filled with sophisticated people, minor decorations hung here and there, but were enough to make the plain white walls look extravagant.  sounds of low classical music played in the background, mingling with the clicking sound of wine grasses and the indistinct chatter that resonated from the party guests.

Another success...

And what better way to celebrate than a high class party, with well mannered guests, business associates and future collaborations?

All was well, the party was splendid, the guests were enjoying the lavish aura, smiling and chatting away with a glass in their grasp.

All except one.

Minho chugged down another glass– probably the seventh since the night started– it would have been more if he wasn't on his best behaviour. His clammy fingers tugged on his tie, putting some distance between his neck and the accessory. After accomplishing the third world war with the innocent tie– that was there to make him look presentable, the black haired huffed.

He hated it here, he felt trapped and the thought of meeting his parents' partners soon clashed on him like waves on rocks.

And this goddamn tie.

Just when he was about to take it off and toss it into orbit, a familiar feminine voice rang from behind him, the sounds of footsteps approaching him and he knew the time he dreaded was near.

The tie was spared few more minutes as it was needed right now. He needed to look formal, talk formal and most annoyingly engage in a conversation with his parents' partners.

"Min is such a sweetheart, oh there he is right now!"

The male tried flattening his hair which he had been tousling out of frustration, he dusted his suit, adjusted his tie and mustered a small polite looking smile.

The group of overly excited adults were finally face to face with Minho, their neatly combed hair, tidy suits, formal yet stunning dresses and those glints in their eyes.

The black haired bowed to the newcomers, his hands properly placed together. This surprised his parents and even him, he never knew he had the power to be decent. "Good evening, it's sublime finally meeting you!"

His parents exchanged surprised looked. My, he was well mannered today, was it the tie? If so, they should put it on him all the time. They quickly recovered their composure, now paying attention as their partners swooned over how much of a behaved young man they had as a son.

"You don't see them quite often," Mrs Shin beamed, almost as bright as her ostentatious jewelry that hung around her neck.

The slightly sober Minho grinned, his thoughts running wild. Thoughts like getting out of there for the dreadful part was yet to come. The middle aged citizens chattered back and forth, asking questions, nothing too drastic, just about how things were going in college, what was his major, how much of an impressive grades he had.

The topic slowly but shifted to a more personal spot. "Any love interest?" Of course they knew this young man was single, but what they weren't aware was what usually went down in the countless parties he had attended and the thought alone made Minho inwardly grin devilishly, unbeknownst that his glint had radiated a little too far.

Luckily, the adults took it as a shy smile, cooing at how adorable he was.

"Look at him get all sensitive about love," Mr Shin remarked. "He's as fluttery as a butterfly."

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