
722 44 33

Third person

        “She rejected me, Sung. Do you know how hurt I am right now?”

Jisung hummed disinterestedly, his index finger hovering over his bright screen, where he just scrolled through his phone, searching for something that might tickle his fancy. The had long forgotten about the older who was just ranting in the background. He paced back and forth, messing with his hair and huffing exasperatedly. In Jisung's opinion he felt like Miso was right, they do need more time to bask in each others company rather than jump into a senseless relationship.

“Hyung, get mad at me if you'd like but...” Jisung looked away from his phone, now gazing at Minho who looked back at him, perplexed. “If you want to get into a new relationship, isn't it best you finalize the old one? Like really end things with Siwon?”

“There's nothing to end.”

“You know better I do how persistent Siwon is, she's definitely going to toxify your relationship with Miso.”

“I don't want to meet her,” Minho crossed his arms, looking away from Jisung, scrawling.


“Cause I kissed her!”

“You were drunk Hyung, you just gotta talk to her when you're entirely sober,” Jisung spoke calmly, not wanting to set the black haired off. “You just gotta make it clear that you don't want her around you anymore. And don't kiss her again, you horny fuck!”

Easier said than done...

Siwon was really clingy and wasn't ready to take no for an answer. It was really fun for the first time, it helped the conflicted Minho deal with his mental stress. The black haired would always rely on her company whenever he was feeling down. It was Siwon whenever he got in trouble with his parents, it was Siwon when he left to live alone.

Siwon this...

Siwon that...

Siwon, Siwon, Siwon...

And bro, did Minho get too attached to her, woven into her nest of lies, wrapped around her finger. It was hard to tell apart if it was love or him just highly infuriated by her. “I don't know, Sung, I just...” The black haired yelled in utter frustration. “I don't want to see her, I just go all soft, I swear I'm under a spell, Help me Hannie!”

Jisung watched as the older rambled on again, tugging on his hair. “Thats cause you're thinking about the past Minho, its gone. You gotta focus on now!” Jisung sighed, totally done with Minho. “Do you want her now?”

“No, I want Miso, but she doesn't want me,” Minho plopped down on the couch. He felt like he was insinuating gibberish and needed to calm down. “Can I please drink?”

“No, you're gonna fight your addiction.”

“Please this one time,” Minho pleaded. “I will start tomorrow, I promise.”

Jisung looked at the older and smirked. “I'll let you drink if you talk to Siwon.”

➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡

“Hi Minnie.”

How did Jisung manage to get so much control over Minho, you may wonder. Its a question that ran through everyone's mind. Even Minho didn't have the answer. He just huffed, refusing to smile at the brunette in front of him.

“C'mon Minnie, smile,” Siwon pouted, “You know I love your smile.”

“I don't want you to see it, and...” Minho exhaled sharply. Is she really gonna go away if he tells her to? Come to think it he had never really told her off, there was always something pulling him back. “I don't want you to be a part of my life either.”

“What? Why? Don't you need my comfort anymore?” Siwon's brows knitted in a disapproving frown. “You know I'm more tha-”

“And I don't care, I have created another me out of the ruins of your past mistakes and I forgot to make room for you, so if you may, please leave me alone.”

Siwon stared at Minho, with hurt evident in her eyes. Was he really just gonna do that to her? The brunette wanted him to say or do something ardency so she could use that in her favour. “Did you find someone else?”

“I don't think it concerns you,” The black haired deflected, his voice strident and robbed of any emotion. He knows that what Siwon wanted, a reaction to take advantage of. “But I do know you should leave, cause I don't want you anymore.”

“But, but...” Siwon blubbered, waddling closer to the taller, she wrapped her arms around him, gripping his clothes tighter, her head resting on his chest. “Please Minho.”

“Siwon, get off me,” Minho rolled his eyes, trying to her away from him, but she keep on snuggling closer.

“Call me wonnie again, just this one time.”

Minho could tell from her breathy voice that she was crying again. How can she do just that? “I won't call you that.”

“Fine move on, but when you get broken again, don't look for me!” Siwon pulled away, wiping her tears. “I hate you Lee Minho, screw you!”

Minho felt a huge weight roll of his back, he felt like he could finally breathe as he watched her leave the café. The whispers and mumbles of people floating around. Coming to a place with people was best, if there's anything Siwon's egoistic self hated was being rejected in public. She preferred manipulating minds somewhere discrete. “Okay Jisung, you owe me a drink.”

Guess his will to drink is greater than his tolerance for Siwon.

Quest completed; reward is now in your inventory.

A wild lootbox popped up; content; Drinks and praise.

Reminder; Meet up with parents; Le sigh.

New quest Log; Make a better impression. Think of a nickname for Miso.

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Question of the day;
What's your favourite colour to wear?

(Pls note that no discriminating on someone's opinion or else your comment WILL be removed.)

Thank you!

Anyways hi, how are you?
As always Lee (> •-•)> will be taking your votes and comments


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