Extra #1

690 37 14

Requested by felixstanalex

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Third person

       “Shin Miso, I fucking hate you.”

Minho huffed, he didn't want to say no to Miso, that's all he seemed to be doing lately, she even had to drag him to the amusement park. The black haired sighed, averting his gaze back to the grinning Miso and then down at the kitty ears she was pointing at him.

“Please Minnie,” Miso cooed, pouting, trying to pull off the cutest puppy dog eyes she could. “Just this once? I promise I won't make you wear any cute thing again.”

“That's what you said when you forced me to wear that bunny ears last month!”

“This time I'm serious.”

“Thats what you said when you wanted me to wear that puppy ears!” Minho groaned. “At this point I should wear a whole fucking zoo.”

The shorter tittered. “It's not my fault you look extra cute with these kinda things on,” She rolled her eyes, pulling Minho down by his collar. “Now wear this!”

Minho sighed in defeat, snatching the black ears away from Miso, he analyzed the accessory, humming in dismay. He put it on, rolling his eyes when Miso started squealing. “Can I please touch it?” she inquired.

“Miso, how do you go from wanting to kill me to this?” Minho mused, irking a brow. By now his ears were burning red at how embarrassed he felt whenever someone would coo about how cute the ears were.

“Shut the fuck up, I have my moments,” The brown haired sneered, punching his shoulder. “Let me be cute in peace!”

“Okay, okay, whatever you say, Crazy lady,” Minho shrugged, fiddling with the accessory, pouting a bit. “It is kinda soft and fluffy,” he comment, smirking a bit.

And that made Miso's eyes lit up with glee, also tugging a wide smile. “Can I touch it.”

“Only if you kiss me.”

“Dirty motherfucker! We're in public!”

“On the cheek,” The black haired grinned, tapping his left cheek. “Look who has dirty thoughts now,” he added, wiggling his brows.

Miso rolled her eyes, huffing. “Fine.”

Minho waited patiently for she to get closer, and when she did, the taller quickly put a bee hat on her head. “Ha! Trick your short ass!”

“what is this?” Miso frowned, pointing at her head.

“If you take it off, I'll take mine off too,” An evil grin sat devilishly on his lips. “Deal?”

“Lee Minho, I fucking hate you!”

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Imma be Piper hart and say; I'm not okay.

Hope this wasn't too trashy

Anyways Question of the day;
What's your pizza topping?

(Pls note that no discriminating on someone's opinion or else your comment WILL be removed.)

Thank you!

Hi, how are you?
As always Lee (> •-•)> will be taking your votes and comments


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