Flareon Tribe

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Flareon Tribe

"What a nice day for a hot lava bath ! " Scorch said while dragging Blister his friend. "I did not agree to it..." Blister mumbled looking as if she wanted to breathe fire at Scorch's face. Blaze and Flare was sitting at the edge of the lava pool with their legs in the lava. Queen Veerada sat on the top of a rock that was in the middle of the boiling lava. Blister was sulking while swimming in the molten lava, Scorch suddenly splashed lava onto Blaze and Flare. "Hey !" Flare said while getting ready a flamethrower."Hey,Flare calm down." Blaze told him. Flare looked at her and nodded sitting back down. " Flare please come here." Queen Veerada asked him over. " I have receive a Telepathy message from the Queen of Espeons, Queen Sakura, they said that they recieved a prophecy from Arceus, the Pokemon god."Flare cocked his head and asked," Well your Majesty what is the message?" " All eeveelution must send out ONE representative to fight alongside with the others to defeat the evil troops."Queen Veerada recited. Flare stared at her then slowly nodded . He ran back to his house to pack for the journey.Before he left Blaze approached Flare with a angry Scorch and a satisfied Blister. " Scorch what happened to your head, it has a big lump..." Flare started and saw Blister ginning from ear to ear. " Oh...hope you get better, I need to leave now so...bye ?" The group hug each other. Before Flare left the trio gave Flare some gifts. Blaze gave him a compass, Scorch gave him a hat and Blister gave him a picture of the trio. Flare looked at the gifts and smiled giving his best friends another hug before walking to the gate.

" What's taking him so long..." A small Eevee with a pink bag paced aroung in circles while waiting for a Flareon representative. Flare ran out to see an eevee sitting in font of the gate. " Hi ! " Flare shouted to the little eevee also known as Faith. " Hi, my name is Faith let's get going !" Faith whispered impatiently.Flare mumbled a okay and rushed to follow her.

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