Chapter 12

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{A/N: I just want to say thank you to everyone reading this. You've been a lot of support and really amazing. I saw the reads and votes for this story and I literally almost bawled my eyes out. Thank you guys so much.

Pacifica's P.O.V.

I woke up in a dark room. I looked around and it was all fuzzy. I felt pain all over my body as it screamed in protest as I stood. Only the funny thing was, I didn't feel the floor. I looked down to see the floor a little ways under my feet.

I gasped in surprise and horror as I realized I was in the air. I looked around again and this time I could make out two figures in the room with me. I walked over to them and instead of walking it was more like flying. I saw it was a boy and girl, except, they weren't human. They boy was part deer and the girl part mermaid.

"Dipper." I whispered as I tapped his shoulder. His ears perked up and I smiled. It was kind of cute. He looked around and his eyes widened when he saw Mabel. He jumped onto all fours and stumbled towards her. He looked at his legs and let out a terrified scream.

I giggled and he looked around with wide eyes. "You aren't the only one having trouble." I said. His ears moved around and so did his head. "Who said that?" He asked in a timid voice. "Quit being funny with me Dipper." I said.

He looked like he was going to wet his pants, that is, if he even had pants. "It's me. Pacifica." I said. That's when I noticed my voice sounded echoey. "Why can't I see you?" Dipper asked.

I flew up to him and hovered in front of him. I thought if he could see me now and his eyes widened even farther if that was even possible. "How'd you do that?" He asked. I shrugged and looked at Mabel.

"She needs to get in water or she'll die." I said. He nodded with a grim expression on his face. He 'walked' over to Mabel and scooped her up into his arms. I heard a door open and we turned towards it.

I saw the world outside and I flew towards it with Dipper following as fast as his new deer legs could manage. We ran outside and didn't stop until we were far away from the building. We stopped at a river and laid Mabel in it. She didn't wake up.

I looked over at Dipper who had a worried expression on his face. "It's my fault." He whispered. "Don't say that." I said. "Why can't I say the truth?" He asked. "Because it's not the truth." I said. "I'm the one who asked her to run away. I was selfish. My parents were embarrassed by me, so they didn't let me go out of the house. I felt unloved and alone, but Mabel got all the love. And like the selfish idiot I am, I asked her to come with me." He said. "You may think it's your fault. You may think that if you hadn't have asked her, then none of this would have happened, but you're wrong. She would have come with you if you hadn't have asked her." I protested.

He looked at me with a small smile. His smile quickly turned to a frown though as he turned back to Mabel. "She'll be fine." I whispered. His frown only deepened. "And what if she's not?" He asked. I looked away for a moment before noticing something.

"Dipper. I think there's a town over there." I said. He looked in the same direction and sighed. "There can't be. We're in the middle of no where. That means there's no fucking towns here." He muttered. "Well. Why don't we check it out?" I asked. "I guess we could." He replied.

He picked up Mabel and we made our way towards the place that looked like a town. If only I knew it would get us in deeper shit.

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