Nightwalker (Rise of The Guardians fan fic) stupid brothers...

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Hiya! Rise of the guardians and any other movies, shows, and songs belong to their rightful owners!! ~Anime4Otaku. OC: Sidneya Yoru Walker Age: 14 B-day: (winter solstice) Dec. 21. Fav. Stuff: blue, black, silver, music, Anime, books, drawing, instruments, singing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Sid, Sid, SID!" I felt my bed bouncing and knew right away who it was. "Ugh! Why are you awake!!" I yelled. Jaden giggled "it's 7:45!" He yelled while jumping off the bed. "WHAT!?!?" I jumped up to see that it was only 7. "AAAAAHH! JADEN GET YOUR A$$ OVER HERE!!!" He screamed and ran. I slammed my door and locked it "stupid brothers,stupid boys..." I keeped up that chant while I dressed. It's the last day of school before winter break, which was made longer cause of a snow storm. "Thank you Jack Frost!" I said finally done getting dressed. My outfit was black skinny jeans, dark blue long sleeved shirt, silver sweater with a snowflake design, and to top it off a pair of black and blue high top converse that go up to my knees. I grabbed my black pea coat, scarf, gloves with the fingers cut off, and my jack skeleton hat. "Come on Jaden!" I yelled as we walked out the door to school. Oh what fun, not.

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