Chapter 3

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                                       Chapter 3
                                      The project

Professor Parker: "Okay class settle down. I need to let you all know what we're gonna be doing today."

The class finally quiets down and gives the professor a chance to speak

Professor Parker: "Today we're going to be starting a group project! And your partners will be chosen randomly by this little bucket right here."

"In the bucket there's ten pieces of paper and out of those 10 there's only 4 different colors. You guys will come up here one at a time and randomly pick one with your eyes closed. Once everyone is done you all will find classmates with the same color paper as your own and pair up. Easy right?"

"I didn't want you guys to pick your own partners for this because I thought doing it this  way would be a good opportunity for you guys to get to know each other.

" Since there's 10 of you and since I don't want to make the groups too big, there's gonna be two groups of 3 and two groups of 2."

"Alright let's start with you y/n! Get up here and grab a paper!"

Before you got up both Nyla and Bri pat your shoulders to let you know that you were gonna be okay no matter what happens.

They take their hands off your shoulders and let you get up. You then walk towards your professors desk and take a deep breath before closing your eyes. "Here we go..." you say to yourself quietly. You put your hand in the bucket, grab a piece of paper and open your eyes.

You look at your hand and see a pink piece of paper. Then you head back to where you were sitting in between Bri and Nyla.

Professor Parker: "See now that wasn't so hard was it? Alright next up is umm...Bri!

Bri gets up and makes her way to the professors desk. She closes her eyes and picks up a piece of yellow paper then makes her way back to her seat.

Fast forward a couple minutes later there were only two students left to pick their papers. It was Geto and Gojo. Geto was called up first to pick a paper out of the bucket. He closes his eyes and puts his hand inside. As his hand is in the bucket you notice a repetitive tapping noise coming from the back of the classroom. It was Faith.

She was tapping her pen repeatedly on the desk showing her impatience waiting for Geto to pick his paper. When he takes his hand out the bucket everyone can see the blue piece of paper in his hand.

Faiths mouth quickly formed into a smile knowing that Geto was her partner for the project.

Now it was Gojo's turn. He didn't have to close his eyes since there was only one piece of paper left. It was a pink one just like yours.

A/n: The 4 groups were...

Pink - y/n & Gojo.

Blue - Faith & Geto.

Yellow - Bri, Nanami, & Caleb.

Green - Nyla, Dante, & Destiny.

Professor Parker: "Okay students we have about ten minutes of class left so use the rest of this time to pair up with your groups and get whatever socials you need to help you communicate during this project."

Everyone gets up from their seats and starts to shuffle around getting to their group members. You find your partner In the back of the classroom sitting down and looking at his phone. You then make your way to the desk and sit down next to him.

He looks up from his phone realizing that someone just sat next to him.

"Hey there!" He says to you.

"Hi." You say back nervously.

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