Chapter 1

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Luna's POV

I sat in the class room and looked at the clock and just hoped that the last half hour of Mr. Saltzman's history class would go by faster than the rest of my first day of school.

I moved to Mystic Falls last week and today was my first day of school at Mystic Falls High School.

Luckily I had already met Caroline, Bonnie, Stefan and Tyler last week who were in the same classes as me.
They had already shown me the most important places in Mystic Falls but except for the Mystic Grill, the high school and a lake in the woods that was on the outskirts of town near the cemetery, there wasn't really much here.
I came from a big city and had to get used to this small town life.

I looked again to the clock and it had passed only 2 minutes since I had looked the last time to the clock, slowly I had really no more desire and wanted this school day over.
I looked at the clock and with the power of my thoughts I let the hands of the clock move forward to 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Closing time.
I raised my hand and Mr. Saltzman looked at me "Yes, Luna? Can you tell me about the founding history of Mystic Falls?" "No but class is over."

Mr. Saltzman looked at the clock and couldn't believe it was already the end of the schoolday. "I didn't realize how fast the time went by, the bell seems to be broken but Luna is right, the school day is over and I don't want to take any more of your time. So see you tomorrow."
Everyone got up and left the classroom.

Bonnie,Caroline and I went to the Mystic Grill while Stefan and Tyler had to go to football practice.

Caroline looked at her phone "Funny, according to my phone it's only 2:47 pm."
Bonnie also looked at her phone and confirmed it,then looked at me.
"Luna what time is it on your phone?"

I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at it. "Also only 2:47 pm, then I guess the clock in the classroom is broken" I answered and had to stifle a grin.
I mean I couldn't tell them the truth that I'm a witch who can use magic and the power of my own thoughts to make the clock run forward and do a million other things that aren't human.

We sat down at a table in the Mystic Grill and ordered something to eat.
At the bar sat a handsome guy with dark hair and a leather jacket.
I couldn't see his face but somehow I was immediately attracted to him.
It's a small town so maybe the girls knew him so I asked them.

"Who's the guy with the leather jacket at the bar? He looks really good from behind."
Bonnie sighed "That's Damon Salvatore. You better stay away from him."
"Salvatore like Stefan Salvatore?"
"Yeah Damon is Stefan's big brother and he looks even better from the front. But Bonnie is right Damon is nothing but trouble and practically brings you bad luck with his bad influence and anger issues." replied Caroline.

"You guys must really not have the best opinion of him,is he really that bad?" "Yes, even Stefan would advise you to stay away from his brother. He will only take advantage of you because he wants to get you into bed, he does that with all girls. He took advantage of Caroline too" Bonnie told me.

I looked at Caroline. "You had a thing with Damon and now you're with Stefan?"
"Yes and I admit sleeping with Damon was not one of my best ideas. Sure he's hot and really good in bed but he's an arrogant and self-absorbed jerk. He only cares about himself and doesn't give a shit about anyone else." I just nodded.

It was probably supposed to scare me off what they were telling me about Damon but somehow it didn't.

We spent the whole afternoon in the grill and somehow I kept catching myself looking at Damon and wishing he would turn around to see his face.

The girls were probably right, it's best to stay away from him if he's really a bad influence but what if he's not as bad as everyone thinks?
After all, what would Bonnie and Caroline think of me if they knew the truth about me and my past.
Maybe Damon just needs to be given a real chance instead of being judged.
Still I shouldn't get involved with anyone like him.
After all, I wanted to try to live a quiet and normal life without trouble and Damon seemed to be a trouble maker after everything the girls told me about him.

In the evening we all went home.
Damon hadn't turned around once, so I didn't know his face yet.

I did my history homework and went to bed afterwards.
I couldn't really sleep and this time it wasn't because of the nightmares I usually had.
I couldn't stop thinking about Damon and imagining his face.
Why did a guy I had only seen from behind have such an effect on me.

I got up, because there would be no sleeping this night. I had to clear my head.
I put on some clothes and went jogging, in the middle of the night.
Jogging always clears my head, no matter what time it was.

The streets were so quiet that I could hear my own heartbeat.
I arrived at the woods and continued running.

When suddenly I heard a scream I stopped running.
I looked around but saw no one.
I quickly continued in the direction from which the scream came.
I could see a person from behind.
This person looked exactly like the guy I couldn't get out of my head without even seeing his face. Damon.

He seemed to have heard my footsteps because I just blinked and he was gone.
I turned on my phone flashlight and looked around in all directions, but he was gone.
I went in the direction where I thought I had seen him going but there was nothing.

I must have imagined it somehow in my tired head, after all there was no one in the woods but me.
I made my way back home.

What a crazy night I still thought in the morning. I could have sworn there was at least one other person in the woods besides me and that someone was Damon.

I made my way to the grill to get a coffee before school.
In the grill was a newspaper with the headline 'Another animal attack in the woods this night. 22 year old girl dead from animal bite.'

My coffee almost fell out of my hand when I read this headline.
Animal attack? There was no animal in the woods last night.
Except for me, there was only Damon in the woods. Did the scream come from the girl? Why didn't I see her? Was Damon really in the woods and if so, did he have something to do with it?
I had so many questions floating around in my head, but I had to get to school before I was late.

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